4g63 head swap get togather

Gunna be swaping out my 4g63 head n timing belt on my 96 dsm tomorrow/sat…

Anyone with some experience with these cars wanna lend a hand??

Cold beer n Probly some grilling if anyone wants to help me :slight_smile:

I’ve rebuilt about 6 of these engines… unfortunately i will be working on both of these days

Text me boss, if u don’t mind awnsering some questions?

I had my exhaust side “rockers” fall off… was told bad lifters…

243-9749 mikey

I’ve done a few head gaskets on them. Unfortunetly I live rather far away from you so helping is gonna be impossible. One piece of advice I have is leave the exhaust manifold on the head and just unbolt it from the turbo and install it on the new head before install. Just my .02 cents, but it made my life easier on the last 2.

PM Psi2high

Thanks for the info…

I’ll pm him now