maybe if it were later in the summer…but I def. won’t be done.

well theres always a good possibility its not the ONLY time somethin like this is set up

ohio st. bridge at night a possibility?

you will need to pay $5 before the shoot. then pay for prints if you want them after. its in the first post now. Prints will be dealt with by Micah.

like micah said, this most likely won’t be the only time.

still scouting some possible locations. We’re only going to do 2 day spots. And might not to a 3rd night spot at all. There are alot of cars involved here.

I concur… heh thats actually the spot i pmed you about.

Its a semi private spot. if the lot was better i’d say it would be cool to auto-x there.

oh yea and im in too for pics.

I would love to,

02 GTI

If Micah is fine with bikes, i’d like to tag along.

2003 636

I would love to do this, I just really need a good detail job on the fd.

suggestion for a place
i dk if this could work
but ive been wanting to do some night photos on main street in clarence
the street is lined with solid street lights and i think it would look really good
just a suggestion :smiley:

in depending on date. as i live in CO but will be driving back to NY couple times this spring/summer

I’m in…That is if I am worthy enough.

99 Grand Am GT

Add RedSSNA pending its not a Sunday. 06 Cobalt SS

Holy crap theres starting to be alot of people, Im not sure if this is a situation where it would be the more the merrier would it?

That’s why it’s cut at 25 until further notice. Probably won’t go beyond that.

I need a date please! I’m working my ass off to get my car done, but I need a deadline to shoot for!

can we see some pics from last year?

This is the first time were doing this.

I’ll have things set in stone at the end of this week.

Is there a date for these meets yet?

see the post EXACTLY ABOVE YOURS nikkkUK
