heh you didn’t update the list yet! i want in! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m in substituted for TurboLS1SS since he won’t be ready in time :wink:

Can’t wait to see the thread with all these cars in it, should be the sex.

paulo i kinda like may 11 weekend?

put me down for this too please… are we paying in advance or when we get there?

Count me out :frowning:

See custom user title for reason.

it’s more up to you than me.

get a hold of me on AIM and let me know what the deal is ya silly ho.

that’s because I capped it at 25 for now. I’ll let the people know who want in past that what’s happening if we decide to add more.

And I’ll be collecting money somewhat soon. Probably as soon as the date is set.

I would like to get some micah pix of my suburban just to have, those allowed?

OT- PaulO I have that box/manual and shit for the blackjack if you still want it, found it tucked away in some box the other day, let me know.

bah what a tease with that 26th and 27th slot hanging out there on your first post!

yeah i def want that box if you have it. let me know when we can meet up.

If someone drops off the 25 list. i’d like in on this

guys there should be more than one time for this, also, im not the only one with a camera, and i can almost guarantee there wont be 25 cars lined on the day we do it

most of the work will be my editing though i think, god that will be a lot of work

Updated the OP. check it out. All we need is to decide on a location and were set. If anyone has any suggestions for MODERN industrial backgrounds with alot of metal, post up.




added, clean her up.

of course, added.

really? let me know.

I’ll add you to this if you want, it’s not a big deal.

added, what do you drive?

Time and location yet?

scouting locations still. Mainly because this is going to make or break the entire thing. And times will depend on location since we may have to plan for where the sun will be at what time.

1968 Camaro SS
Let me know who and how to pay. Paypal?

We may be able to do that. I’d honestly rather just take cash from people since it will all be going to Micah, I’m just going to collect it.

thanks for adding me… its an 06 wrx i’ll be bringing btw.

oh yea and Micah if you want an extra photog my gf’s brother in law does shit on the side. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind… if you want samples of his work let me know.

Paullo I hate you.