Looking for a 5.5mm hex head like the title says, either in a 3/8 or 1/2 inch. Only ones i have are a 5 or 6mm and even Sears or HF does not have anything in that size. Who has a extra i can borrow or just buy? If not ill buy online but sucks that shipping costs more then the product needed.
I’m fairly sure I have a 5.5 hex head socket. It’s 1/4" drive but you can adapt down to it easily enough (I think I have an adapter too, 3/8 to 1/4). When do you need it by? Text me your availability. I won’t be home until late tonight (1030 or so) but can leave it on the porch or whatever for you to grab at your leisure.
nope, everywhere is 5 or 6mm. Norb text coming your way.
found a set they sell that does, see above. call the store on that part number?
I’m confused…are you looking for a female socket that accepts hex head bolts, or are you looking for allen head socket like theblue posted?
What I have is this:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/13PC-METRIC-MM-SIZE-HEX-ALLEN-KIT-WRENCH-BIT-SOCKET-TOOL-SET-KIT-FOR-RATCHET-/280771169010 this is what i need. not a actual socket
level performance 3521 harlem rd 14225 810-2727.
I lied.
Well, I have some metric hex head sockets in 3/8 drive. Can’t guarantee one is a 5.5 though. Let me do some digging
edit: this is what i have. looks like I won’t be able to help you out.
In the past I have gotten by with using 2 nuts of the same OD that you need the allen key to be (IE using 2 14mm nuts backed up against each other at the end of a stud to form an “allen key”). You then turn the bolt with a regular combo wrench.
In your scenario I’d just hit dat Harbor Freight and have it forever
Thx let me know. I don’t need it today, will be using it when i install my wheel studs. 1/4 drive will work too. I have a adapter i found.
- Updated - - -
Thx again Norb and The Blue. They do in fact have that must of overlooked it.
i have one also
I have a few
Throw you a few dollars for one.