5 Am................

And i gotta go to work…damn this sucks.Not used to getting up at the asscrack of dawn! :beer:

I got a call at 3:45 this morning to go in and see about a machine that wasn’t working. So I had to get out of bed for something that ended up being a 5 minute fix.

Now I’m getting ready to go back in

im about to retire…

I’m getting use to this 9-5 gig. I actually had to get up before 7 today! What a difference. I don’t miss it!

pay me $75K a year and I’ll sit in the plant each evening and fix all the stupid problems so you can get some sleep now and then.

also, you need to put the fear of god into your workers. By the end of the summer, I’m not sure my lifeguards would have called me in for anything less than a few dead bodies floating in the pool.


would that be the cosby kids?

i get up between 5 and 530 everyday

the fear of who?

:gaysex: :3some: