$50 for $25 v. Snooty Fox

Dead on. I love that place though, only because it’s free to eat and drink though.

I think 80 is shooting a little high, most of the dudes there look like they’re pulling 60 on a great day

LOL, most of these type of chicks haven’t caught on to just how little a “Vice President” title means if you work in a bank. I need to head there with a stack of business cards.

yeah. you’re probably right. 50-60k

haha yea. we deal with corporations that have like 1,000 vice presidents and directors. titles are worthless.


and :word:

my fiancee’s friend goes there a lot and tries to rope us in. stillwater has a good band every once in a while, and im a big fan of live music… but for the most part, its a bunch of douchebags wannabe ballers and girls that are looking for actual ballers, but end up with the douchebag wannabes instead.

meh, :gotme: i need to get to stillwater for food, i have not yet dined there.

= All of Buffalo

women looking for money…that’s the way i always describe the girls there. Back early in the summer last year the Dude to Chick ratio was 1:4… but that can only last for so long… now there’s more dudes. Sucks for me, good for skunk.

i dont know, i disagree. while 99.999% of buffalo is made up of wannabe ballers, it think that there is a small percentage of wannabes that are not douchebags as well. :smiley:

i would say 75% are douchebag wannabe ballers

24.999% are wannabe ballers

and .001% are douchebag ballers


im done now… happy friday.

Um yes they do. Go there on a Saturday night.

I’m 99% sure I know who you’re talking about and LOL. She always used to make my friends and I sick with the shit she would talk about.

said late 20’s - early 30’s people making 50-60k a year thinking they are hot

broke people who think its cool to be broke

“professional” sports teams in the area (cough sabres cough) that the city has lead to think they are hot shit.

So it’ll be easy to roll into this restaurant and pick up some gold diggers with my 50% off gift certificates right?

“Yeah I make a lot of money, i’m just thrifty…”

precisely :ohyeah:

like applebees?

anyone been here for dinner later in the evening around 9 or 10 oclock? is it possible to sit and eat or is it too crowded from the bar scene?

^ depends on the day. Friday and Saturday start to get crowded around that time. Food there is “okay”

Yea I have a $50 gift certificate and plan on going downtown later tonight anyways so I figured I would go with my girlfriend for some wine and food. Is there tables to sit at or does the whole place revolve around the bar? I can’t remember from when I was there last.

We were gonna go Saturday but it got to be like 1130 and I figured it would be packed.

there are tables in the back… tonight i wouldn’t expect to be packed.

awesome thanks.

