$50 for $25 v. Snooty Fox

Picked up one of these today for me and the lady.

every radio station has these on fridays, nothing new

yea but its nice to see a decent restaurant on it. i got one for snooty fox and one for the stillwater a few weeks ago which was nice.

Those are two of my favorite places lately. Nice pick :slight_smile:

snooty fox is filled with dudes who make 80 grand and think they’re huge pimpin, and girls who make 25K a year and want to find a guy who will tell them that they’ll never have to work again if he’s around…

restaurant.com has these every day of the week.

i have 50 dollar certs for stillwater that i paid 15 for :tup:

thanks captain obvious. back on topic about the dinner scene and not the social scene there…


I know a bunch of women who have made said transition.




I like the atmosphere of said two places…it’s just nice to go somewhere that people in raggy t-shirts and backward hats don’t hang out at. It is geared towards professionals. I’m not saying there aren’t gold diggers in there but I am clearly not one of them. Meeting guys at bars=not for me!!!

i was approached not once, but twice by women with the line:

“so what do you do?”

So what if its filled with dudes who make 80 grand and gold diggers if you are there for dinner?

LOL, thats when you just lie to them. BAng them and call it a day.

I know nothing about the dinner scene, but dislike the entire establishment based on it’s bar scene.

well, usually ENGINEER holds there interest for a bit. (until i tell them i drive a train)

SIDE NOTE: i once tried hooking my GF’s friend up with ONYX. i changed my mind after because after telling her about my intentions, her first question was “how much money does he make”

eff you bitches.

There is lots of places I love to eat at but would never be caught dead in their night scene.

Any title with engineer in it holds girls attention. My business card has engineer on it and its the easiest to get girls with sadly.

Girls are all shady

Dude! hook me up with her. I have no problem flat out lying to women. Or trying to convince them into thinking something else is a good idea

i think im gonna go back to that. im convinced that all girls are shady, some just take longer to realize

Snoody has the best steak sandwich EVER. Soooooo good.

That being said, I don’t mind the diggers… If they’re hot. Ugly gold diggers who think they’re hot and deserve shit = fail.