51" Hitachi DLP Projection TV

Bought this tv from agent boost(roclife member) about a year ago now now i have no use for it since my friend just gave me his old projector
thought i would throw it up on here but if i cannot get what im asking for it i will just give it to my parents to put in the house
400$ and i can deliver if my price is met

If i remember correctly it was bought brand new in 05’ from the previous owner
as u can see its got hdmi and what not
other then that it has everything else a high end tv would have in 05’ i no im not being very specific or anything but if u have any more questions i will answer them

The tv is really clear these are pictures from when it was in my dorm last semester the thing is awesome for games and movies especially
the speakers built in are surprisingly nice i dont think i ever had to have it above 50% volume (while living in a dorm room surrounded by the wrestling team…)
picture is really clear great tv for the money with out a doubt

hahaha i imagine watching that thing in the above pictured dorm room had to be like sitting in the front row of an Imax movie…

glws though, although big, these tvs usually have great picture quality

it was awesome man haha
greatttt for madden, nhl and shit with 4 people even halo with 4 people is awesome and movies are even better

hmmm i’m interested where are you located? pm me price if i pick it up

I have one just like it, awesome TV’s at the time.

Please tell me you played the magic focus button for people? My buddies still get a kick out of it.

Great TV for the price, GLWS

we live in an awesome age when you can buy a 51" HD tv for $400.

im in pittsford,14534 im firm on 400 at the moment to guys like stated if i cant get that ill just take it to my cottage


Hmmm… too bad you’re in Rochester. I would consider $400 if the picture quality met my standards but that would be hard to tell from seeing im not driving up from Buffalo :confused:


well it does rival my parents 52" samsung lcd that was bought last year

other then that i dunno what to tell ya if i can help prove that it is prety fuckinggggg good picture quality for 400 then let me know id be glad to help

^Haha, I was just prodding to see what you could do lol. I dint expect much though lol. Idk, I have pretty specific standards and 720p right off the bat doesn’t tickle my fancy. Any way you can get a model number for this?

ya im out of town right now but i should be able to get it for u today or in the am

bump, been real busy ill have the model number up asap
