518s Fastest Drag Race Event

Yeah why not, bikes would be sweet to have participate, and for fun some of the faster imports vs bikes :nod

I just noticed…i was like where the hell did my post go…lol

and domestics

I’m 99% sure that cars VS bikes isn’t allowed and is a liability even during track rentals. But I could get bikers to go get some runs in on that day. It’s a huge population around here, so that would help out greatly.

i dont think they will have a problem with bikes vs bikes and cars vs cars seperately but on the same day.

i could bring my nitro r/c car lol, it goes 97 mph, and its been clocked on the northway last night, … but we wont get onto that

you are right, they are not allowed to have cars race bikes, but there is no reason why we cant seperate the two, i wouldnt mind seeing some fast bikes anyways

I was thinking of more like regular test and tune nights, line of cars, line of cars, then bikes VS bikes then back to cars.

Not cars and bikes at the same time staging.

We couldnt have people backing out. Son nonrefundable preregistration is a must. Maybe if we gave people a confirmation number or something that they could sell instead of backing out that might help

an easier way to do cars vs bikes is just merge times so that if Joey wanted to go agaisnt vlad

joey vs me ( i lose) joey is 13.1 <–cars
Vlad vs Jay (code blue) vlad 11.7 <-- Bikes

Vlad wins

kind of a De De Dee but in case of morons there u go

Thats not a bad idea either. The only way it would be refunded is because the whole event wouldn’t happen for whatever reason, that’s worst case scenario.

What kind of matchups would we have though?

Best NA?
Best FI?
Best Grip (60ft times?)
Best AWD?
Best FWD? /RWD etc?
Highest trap.
Best time of the day.
Best improved over stock.
Weight VS time? (to see who did the best weight to time ratio)

this is true. refunds would have to be limited to only a cancellation of the event.

and SOME people cough must unhook N20. unless no ones cares

Edit: just an idea, could be considered as FI if used?

No, nitrous is not cheating in ANY way, therefore i and others who have it can use it.

Overall it sounds like it would be an awsome day…any idea on the price of a track rental?..id say atleat a couple grand…just figure how much they make on a test and tune for just running cars…9 lanes like 20 cars a lane at 20$$ a piece…thats 180 cars which is 3600$$ for just the cars racing…idt this is goin to be a cheap event…but its a great idea…maybe everyone should just go on a regular test and tune

Nitrous would put you into FI instead of NA, otherwise it’s not a problem.

What are you talking about?? We’ve been talking, track rental is based on how many people, 50+ = $70 per person. no one is going to pay on a test and tune day after they just paid to get in and test and tune. :confused

a track rental is 70 dollars a person, keep in mind you get a lot of passes during this time.

If we accept payments here at synapse we would likely charge a flat rate of $75 or 80 dollars. this would include all credit card processing fee that we have to pay. Paypal payments 3% processing fees, and hopefully some money for some prizes.

I wouldn’t worry about them having their finances covered and their money out of it.

The minimum amount of cars for a rental is 50, and if IIRC its 70$ for 50+ cars, so thats 3500$.

I’d say do the Synapse idea that mike suggested, have Synapse accept payments for the rental. :nod