lebanon valley

anyone have a rough estimate on how long the run for on saturdays? I would like to make it up there on the 12th but i have a civil service exam at 9 am, there website doesnt say how long they run for.

gates open at like 10 i think and the time i went they ran til like 4 then it started raining

so i actually might be able to run then, i hope atleast. Why do they charge 30 on saturday but only 20 on wednesdays?

they run well into dusk iirc, and open like k20 said, around 10

i think they charge 30 because on Wed. there are much more people that come out.


Wed - $20 6-9 or 10
Sat - $30 10-5 or 6

Wednesdays are pointless. Saturdays are better but still sucks if you are an import and want to match up.

im not an import soo im not worried about it, there website says the start letting people in at 8 and start racing at 9???

Yeah wednesday’s seem to be WAY to packed… Saturday’s from what i’ve experienced are much less cars and nicer because it’s during the day…

The times i went on a Saturday, they started at 10.

  1. Their website sucks.

been there on both days. if you want to beat anyone you go on wednesdays because that crowd half of 'em can’t find the start line, and the other half may run some 11’s or 10’s… the few saturdays i’ve been there people are running 8 second bikes, dragstars, funny cars, and old school muscle cars all in the 9’s or 10’s is seems.

probably why you don’t fit in on Saturdays :haha :rofl

i could honestly care less whether i win or loose

no one does, but if there’s someone there you want to run against, you try and set it up with them by lining up in the lane next to them.

fuck that, i just want a timeslip at the end of my race, i only race against time up there


im deff. going out there to do some runs the 12th…curious to see what 16.5psi, plus a larger turbo and a open cutout will do on street tires.

spin? :crackup

yeah, you def need some DR’s on that thing, and a new trans, once you get everything dialed in i see low 12s in that car, just a prediction

you can get a ton of runs in on saturday, i like wed. night street nights better though. you can usually get 4-6 runs in. Saturdays they allow open muffler and if just a bunch of bracket racers usually. Wed night is always fun to watch people stage with thier real wheels and noobs with pos cars, it makes it more exciting and fun to watch

i usually get more than 4-6 runs when i go on wednesdays, more like 6-9 runs in