lebanon valley


My record is 5 when I stayed till 10. Wednesdays blow anyhow. No VHT? That’s ridiculous.

wedensdays are soo much fun. there always a bunch of ppl to talk to. first time i went i did 8 runs… then after that i did about 3-5. saturdays don’t really intrest me, well except the diesel drags :nod

the only time that sucked was when i went on the last day two years ago, i got 3 runs, every other time has been at least 6

i was cutting consistant high 1.6’s and low 1.7’s its not that bad. it does get worse as the night goes on though, unlike on the weekends.

wednesdays are fun, more hanging around bullshitting about cars, and what not. always a good time.

saturdays and sundays are better. you get a lot of time to make changes, dial the car in as needed, and cool it off. weekends are usually my race gas, more serious days. they call up each lane when they are ready to run. so you have a lot of time to work on the car in the pits and not just rush to get back in line to get the most runs. and usually you get more runs in general. sometimes 8-9. i also think they are more lax on the rules on the weekends too. theyve never said anything after any passes in my car or when i drove Eric’s car, 10 second passes, 135+mph, no fire suit, no cage or not enough cage, no scatter shield, catch pan, 9 second license etc…

NED, Island, Englishtown, etc… don’t lay down VHT because they like to spend money. The fact that they do on Saturday and not Wed for the imports should tell you something too.

wednesday is better cause as soon as we get out, we should all go to sutters for .25cent wings and $7 pitchers of beer!