5yr old?

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PndJi2Sia2w&feature=player_embedded”]YouTube - Giuliano Stroe - a 5 year old romanian as strongest child World Records Book[/ame]

he would kick almost all of our asses ! DAM lil kid is good !

little dude is ripped

damn…id still fight him tho. lol

There was a discovery channel special on him before… im pretty sure that’s def not healthy for the development of that kid in the longrun.

I think its opposite… you keep him fit and trained, he’ll live to be 200yrs old. :slight_smile:

holy crap! that is unbelievable

yeah…i started out like that ,but then I fell off the wagon. FAr off the wagon

Sure you didn’t just crush the wagon? With your super strength I mean…

wrong forum JACKASS

Poor kid will never reach puberty, wear pink polos poppin collar

i love the use of 50 and snoop

Child abuse.

hes going to be like baby hercules. they showed him a few years after doing similar stuff and it stunned his growth.

I thought you were suppose to really hit the weights or etc til about 15 cause of how your body is still going thru changes


im still waiting to hit the weights. maybe at 35

Chad I’m not sure it was the same kid on that Discovery Channel thing. I think the kid on that was American.

But either way kids like that have some degenerative condition which allows their muscles to grow and become very defined. The problem is the ligaments and tendons dont grow with them so they are very prone to tears and problems with the stabilization of muscles and bones. Plus, it happens to all muscles, which means most of these kids grow up with serious heart and digestive problems.

yeah. i think youre right. but either way, its not healthy

Poor Kid… He will end up being 5’5 tall and have the little mans complex.