6/13/07 Any pontiac/GTO (and others) Summit park mall?

Since I’m able to drive again after breaking my arm, I wanted to hit it up. Yeah, it’s lame but it’s also pontiac night… soooo

anyone want to cruise up there?

White Trash Fest had one worthwhile moment this week…
Explore Justin Swiderski
Sorry for the shitty quality, Camera phone FTL.

oh man, i missed pontiac night at scummit :frowning:

hahahahaha :headbang:

wish I would of stuck around longer to see that lol

I didn’t see this until this morning, but no way I’d ever take my car there.

Thats some funny sh*t…Whats in the water up there again??


DAmmit, what time did that happend, i left cause some fuck head in his corsica was playing loud garbage next to me