6.16.06 John Valby @ Sunset Bay Beach Club

9PM start i belive…prolley leave the area around 7:30ish to go.

anyone intrested?

oh man i wish i would have known about this sooner

he’s the funniest alive imo

good stuff

i just heard about this today listening to the edge…where can you get tickets…??? i gotta go to this…

btw…he has another show someplace in Niagara county…check his website out www.johnvalby.com

im gonna get them right @ the door

BuMp…comon there has to be more valby fans

whats the price on the tickets for Valby???

yea I have to get to one of his shows sometime soon

I actually know his neice, haven’t talked to her in a while but she’s still around

im gonna be at the glen all weekend or i would be all over this.

who would this be?