6/5 Runs

Did u just say there’s no winning? Dude not to break balls but it was a RACE. Therefore there is a winner and a loser. Just because there was no prize, doesnt mean theres no winning…

And if I win, I take the cash and I take the respect. To some people that’s more important.

Ok rematch this weekend

^probly wont happen

your a dip shit.

its a case of who finished said race ahead of who.

When you scratch off a lotto ticket your WIN a prize.

When you complete a math test befor the other kid, you FINISH ahead of the other kid.

your a fucking idiot, finishing ahead of someone in a race, is WINNING THE RACE. you just used a diff terminology. DIP SHIT.

Makes sense now, u race to finish tests, you dont learn anything in school, therefore you look like a fool on the internet.

Street Racing 101:

When you race, there is a winner (Car that appears ahead of the other) and a loser (Car that appears behind the other)

…Dipshit :Idiots

U guys can’t explain nothing to Mike, hes a idiot minitrucker :rofl :rofl :rofl

/\ panties in a bunch.

fucking shit, you clownshoes dont know how to take a joke. Do me a favor, you two line up, run full steam head first into a brick wall. The first one to FINISH, will WIN a concusion. :rofl

true that, but you forgot “often strays off topic and rants about usless shit he nore the other party will ever come to a viable conclusion on, ratard.”

:rofl :rofl :rofl Mike ahahahahahaah you got me dying over here. I can picture you yellin at your computer and being in an overall riled up state. abahahahah

Feet up on desk
Phone forwarded to VM
only window open on my task bar

ohhhh yeahhh

:rofl :rofl :rofl

if you werent AT the race, or PART of the race, take your middle school level arguments, and other discussions elsewhere.

jaz was out by a little, but pete would have passed him if jaz didnt hit the brakes. it was a good race, very close the whole time

even from where i was standing its tough to say, but IMO the grape ape did an old school treeing on pete. pete almost ran him down from that.

its the difference between a .050 light and a .250 light at LVD.

enough with the he jumped and what if nonsense.

the video shows it. only way to change it, is RUN AGAIN. both cars are closely matched in the current state of tune. it really comes down to R/T and the driver with these two cars.

from the finish line pete was behind a fender. whether it was due to a jump from jaz or a slower car from peter is undetermined.

it’s really not complicated :rofl

your hands were up when he left, i’ll run again but apparently all respect was lost so we won’t be racing, fine by me ethier way…

Holy fuck. A fender win/loss is a drivers race, it is also nothing to brag about or to feel bad about, so what is the big deal?

im not sure, to me it really doesn’t matter i just like launching the car lol