Turbo Trix 6th Annual Evo vs. STI/WRX Shootout....You MIGHT know the winner?

Well it was a good day for me and I guess I may have given up who won my the title. I ran in the Stock Appearing heads Up class (Pro Tree). I was going down to mainly hang out with the Conn. guys and play at E-town.

First round Qualifying: I was #1 qualifier with an 11.54 at 117.52

Second round Qualifying: I was bumped to the #2 spot by someone with a FP Red and meth who went 11.4 at almost 120.

First round eliminations: I got lucky I guess, the Subie I was supposed to run got scared and never showed. In turn I get a bye run.

Second round eliminations: I ran the ONLY subie that made it past the first round. It was an 08 with a Red and meth or something. I treed the shit out of him with a .197 to his .836 taking out the only remaining Subie.

SEMI FINALS: Im running the #1 Qualifier, im not gonna lie I was a bit nervous knowing what his car could do, and now that it was like 95 degrees out…mine wasnt gonna come close…lol I knew that if I could get him at the tree it would be over. I did get him by .2 at the light but he never made it to the 60’. From what I heard he broke the tranny or something.

FINAL ROUND: I was running someone that was going 12.20’s all day. I knew that if I could just make it down the track with a clean run 12.20’s is easy! Im the king as snatching defeat right out of the jaws of victory, so I wasnt celebrating yet. This was a nail bitter for sure! I launched the car, it came out decent. Hit 2nd and it bogged, 3rd bogged again, 4th samething. I let off 20’ before the finish line and won!..It went 12.279 to his 12.248. BUT…because its Heads Up and I treed him by .3, I crossed the line first!

I figured the reason for the bogging was because it was SOOOOO hot and that 4" core can hold a ton of heat! As ppl were dropping out our cool down time got shorter and shorter.

On a side note, I was beating cars that were making 100-150whp more than I was…Judging by the hp #'s they were telling me.

So anyway I walked away with a 3’ trophy, an Exedy stage 2 clutch which is for sale as soon as I get it, my name and pic in NHRA National Dragster a year subcription to that, and some other lil goodies from E-town for winning.

I want to say a special thanks fo John Latin for trailoring my car down incase something broke we had a way to get it home. It was a great ride in a NICE truck!

SICK dude! Congrats on the win! Sounds like that was your best run yet huh?

Sick dood. Congrats.

yup thats the best one…i wish is was about 15 degrees cooler ill bet i could have gone 11.4…maybe quicker

congrats mike!

SICK ! good to hear !

Congrats, thats awesome stuff right there.

Mike, my sunburn thanks you.

lets not forget about the Street 16 Victor either. another semi local Evo, and LVD regular.

Haha that’s AWESOME man, congrats!

Pics or it didn’t happen :tongue


hey man congrats! must’ve been a good ass weekend for racing!

Nice man! Passed you in Cobleskill Saturday morning, looks good!

Congrats Mike! Pete was telling me about it last night, that’s awesome dude

Hooray for MIke! Congrats bro.

good work mike


Nice work. Sounds like it was a good time

evos reppin hard!!!

thanks guys!..and our sem local was Raif in his White Evo taking the victory in the Street 16 class. and somehow the 2 fast cars ended up in the finals! it was raif and a 2g DSM that was trapping low 140’s. Raif treed him and got it with the hole shot! i won a Exedy stage 1 clutch a Driven Innovations sheet metal Intake manifold.

Turbo tony lost 3rd gear in the semi finals in a GOOD running car! it was going 10.3 -10.5’s all day and lost his back bumper at the 1320 on the first pass…lol he probably could have Won it!

Explore BoostedNeon04

this was takin by someone on evom. i guess everyone that was there and lost was cheering for me whether I knocked them out or not. it was pretty cool