600+whp club (check in)

What amazes me is that you guys can build shit at this level that doesn’t blow up when you look at it sideways. Way to do it right. :tup:

Here’s mine… First number was on pump gas low boost tune, 2nd was on “medium boost” race gas tune.

1998 Toyota Supra, t67 .81a/r turbo, stock block :slight_smile:


I know…sorry I should have posted my graph from a 600hp generator I built and wanted to sell during the power outage. I was going to mark it up 10bucks but I didn’t want to profit off the misfortune of others.


nice graph but needed info as stated in first post

thanks :tup:

hes got a SUPRA t67, Turbo, Race Gas, 629/538

the 600+whp club:

turbol ls1 ss


If you get more than 10 people with dyno sheet proof I’d be surprised. Not many possibles left. Maybe Emery and Shauna’s EVO. Longshot, but maybe. You’d have to check with them.

If dmoffitt mans up :wink: and changes his exhaust and has a race gas tune I wouldnt be surprised to see his Z up there. I know my new engine will be also, but I dont want to turn this thread into a bunch of theoretical bull shit.

Oh yeah, forgot about the Z. You got the grapefruits D-Moff? :stuck_out_tongue:

Firehawk853 (chuck) should post his graph, he made over 600. To SR20, riding in turbo’s car is like being on the best rollercoaster ever. if he nails it when you arne’t paying attention your innards will literally shift and it feels amaing.

^^^^^ True story…

lol i know that feeling, i had orginalsin try to sit forward when i was WOT and he couldnt even get off the seat, and that was on pump gas. im the only one who really experience the 650hp in my hatch and its something ive never experienced

i know chucks still out there and last i heard i didnt thin emery made much of 500 but could be wrong if he did come on in :tup:

im pissed cuz im used to my power now ad i lost that “pinned back feeling”. i have to let my body go limp and lean forward to get that. that feeling is one of the best parts of getting faster (assuming u can control the car at the same time)

sounds like a pretty gay club to me??? lol

i could make over 600, meh. i definitely dont want people to be stroking my dick for me if i do.

Some of these clubs lately are really gay…12 second this 600 horsepower that…I think im going to start a nine inch club and see who really is packing the heat around here!!!

Nope their car isn’t close to 600. I know of a couple other cars that could be on the list, but they aren’t on message boards.

i dont remember asking you for your opion

and i dont remember asking you either, matter of fact i dont know whats more gay, you or you trying to claim you are 9inches to a message board of 90% guys…

Making 600 isn’t easy by any means. It takes a lot of time, money, and motivation. This thread acknowledges that accomplishment… Heck there is definetely a lot more cars over 600hp than I thought on here!

you can? prove it…