7/4 You know, Independance Day..

HOLY SHIT!.. I was just testing out one of my mortar racks, needless to say i wont be using it, but anyhow, I dropped a 5 burst shell into it, it went off just fine, but dropped a cinder from the fuse onto a 100 shot repeater next to it. That would have been fine, but as only one shot was intended to go off, i didn’t expect the 100 to be lit. As it was lit, it lit the second 5 breakthat was LYING ON THE GROUND next to it. I ran into the garage as the 5 break knocked over the 100 shot and the two of them played a game of shoot shit at mike and sarah, and the neighbors that were walking down the driveway to say hello. All in all it could have been dangerous, but since no one got hurt, i will call it a lesson and a good reason to take the mortar rach apart and start over.

I wish that i had time this year to build the micro controller for the ignition but i dont so manual and dangerous it has to be :frowning: Next year i will be sitting by the fire with a laptop wirelessly detonating.


Oh, and for anyone coming, Our neighbor has a truck full of fireworks that he wil be setting off. They are mostly large mortars, so he said we will be having a joint show that will be HUGE. (competition as he put it, but i dont manage a strip club and make an ass load of $$ to burn on fireworks!)