4th of July

So i had a pretty fun time, we bought about 150$ worth of fireworks and it was buy 1 get one, so we had a lot of shit, it was like 20min of non stop fireworks, plus a bunch of other little shit we blew off during the day.

Had a pretty big barbecue with burgers, hot dogs and chevettas chicken breasts, it was pretty fun.

We had all of our rockets and fountains and shit set up on boards and some fired off poles we put into the ground, (we were shooting them off at my cousins house in elma) and afterwards we went out and picked everything up that landed in the fields and on the neighbors property and shit.

I come home just now, and there is tubes and fountain boxes and shit all over my lawn, bottle rockets all over my car, blown up little pieces of shit all over my car and drive way, some how there is gun powder all over my driveway.

Is it seriously too hard to fuckin pick up your garbage that you have to leave all over peoples fuckin property?

But other than people being complete lazy pieces of shit, i had a pretty fun night… how was everyone elses?

Glad u had a good time. I was supposed to get out of work at 10 but ast 9:45 one of our main sewage pumps in the camp ground took a shit (no pun intended). So we had to pull the pump and we find a zip tie jamming the impeller. So yeah long story short I had to stay at wok till 11:30 getting poop smeared on my arms because some dumb fuck flushed a god damned zip tie. :tdown:. I did however get to see the fireworks because we had to wait for the tank to pump out to make sure it was working properly so I got paid to wach the laser show/fireworks.

Um I worked.
Then I went to mighty where my friends work, and we blew off fireworks. Annnnd I did a heater :slight_smile:
Then the mighty taco district manager rolled up and I peaced out.
Then I had a few brews and almost blew my hand off per tradition.

i def enjoyed the 4th a lot more when i was a little kid.

i tied like 5black cats together and only about 3 of them went off, but at the time we didnt know. the bucket that we threw them in then caught fire and we went to go look at it and the other 2 blackcats went off and exploded in our face as we all dove out of the way. then as we were doing like fountains and reloadable rocket ball things, the canister/tube tipped over and launched it back at the crowd of people and exploded on our pool wall like 10 feet behind me lol, fireworks do some crazy shit

went to my uncles house, grilled a bunch of steaks.
Then I went n knocked down a circle track behind the house and took the mustang out drifting and raced it around the circle track behind the house for a bit.
After that I took the wife to ransomville for the races, and now I’m home.

Wasnt a bad day.

well i hiked a 2000’ mountain, 5.2 mile hike round trip. came back to the cabin and drank some beer while laying around the pool.
then went to schroon lake to watch fireworks on the beach and just got home now. i will be going golfing in the morning.

I didnt do shit, visited my dad in the ICU at Buffalo general, ate dinner with my mom (my gf had to work) , cruised the Camaro and then when I got home I put a fresh coat of Zaino on it…

not the best 4th by any means but every dad above ground is a good one

ugh i am going to sound like an old man here but:

i had an awesome 4th with the normal bbq/firework activities. but i came home to the same problem, my lawn/driveway are COVERED in used fireworks. that shit better be picked up when i get home from work tomorrow.

speaking of which, i have to be up at 5:45 tomorrow. why are you white trash fuckers still shooting firecrackers off at 12:35 am. buffalo police please come help me.



Yeah i read what happened, i dont know you at all, but my best wishes go out to your dad and your family

yeah its july 5th now wtf people need 2 stop lol

[quote=95LS1t;998931]Yeah i read what happened, i dont know you at all, but my best wishes go out to your dad and your family

Thanks man, I am hoping to be able to post up a upbeat update real soon

i went to the beach, now im at work all night. yay.

weak sauce.

Went to Castaways/Strohs on the 3rd. Had a pretty good time. The fireworks were awesome. Got kicked out of Castaways though. Boooo. And had to park 9 blocks away. Ugh.

Went to Dunkirk Harbor last night. Ate some delicious fried dough. Laid on the grass with the boyfriend and family, watched the fireworks. Not as good of a display as the one’s in Angola. Grand finale was weak.

went to mickey rats… there were a million people there. I parked where most of the people had parked. Went to the bar, paid the $10 for my friend and I to get in, had 1 drink, watched some fireworks.
The bonfires on the beach were pretty cool. We stayed for a little more than an hour. Decided it was time to go, as i had some family stuff to do… Got back to my car to see a nice $15 parking ticket. sweet. thanks asshole patriotic cops. I bet you made a killing off of this holiday… fags.
Then we sat in traffic for about an hour and a half, avoiding drunk drivers. A drunk motorcyclist went down, blocking traffic for quite a ways. way to be.
This was the first year I tried to go out somewhere like that for the 4th… never again.
Best part of the night was the company i was with… and now an 8am bedtime.

I went to Mickey Rats last year and was really upset with all the hoopla there.

Launched the boat around 6:30 from Isle View (Niawanda was closed), cruised out to Buffalo harbor to check out the Navy ship and festivities. Had plenty of time before the fireworks so we shot over to Lackawanna to get a close look at the windmills and do some fishing. Headed back to Buffalo around sunset, anchored and watched the fireworks, then headed home and caught the finale of what I think was the Riverside park fireworks just as we came under the peace bridge. In the daytime I’ll take the shortcut from the harbor to the river by going between the two big rock bars between the pump house and Buffalo but I pussied out in the pitch dark and took the long way by going out past the pump house. Nothing would ruin a night quicker than ended up on the rocks in the middle of the lake in the pitch black darkness. :slight_smile:

I’ll post some pictures up later. Got some cool shots of the windmills and some sunset shots. Couldn’t do fireworks pictures on the boat because even with a tripod the boat would still be moving.

Chilled in the pool until my shoulder decided it wanted to be 1.5" lower than it should be.

Went to the MAC center, got an IV with some powerful shit. Took 3 people to pop the thing back in.

Quite sore this morning.

I work at buffalo general, so i was here all day also haha. But it was pretty cool got to go up on the roof and watch fireworks all around. Went home and now im back at work again.

where do you work down there?
I am down there every day