What you doin for the 4th?

I will be at my Aunt’s house for a b-day party, then fireworks at UB South Campus with of course lots of drinking! :slight_smile:

Riverside PARK…Nothing Much…


what he said

we lead exciting lives huh?

Sunset Bay USA of course. . .smashed outta my mind while the sun is still shining bright and enjoying this amazing summer we are having!

going to the taste of chicago, the freedom fest and the chicago blast extrodinare.

thats where they blow off so many fireworks in the city your there for at least 4 hours worth of a good show…

so yeah… hope this shit will be fun…

its my mothers bday, so ill be spending some quality time with the family and a few of these :beer: :beer: :beer:

8 hour shift VS the war on terror followed by go to the gym followed by dinner probably followed by a custom fireworks show courtesy of the insurgents :bloated:

oh well, next year im gonna make up for it by :snky: back some grenades n shit for my fireworks extravaganza :wink:

:word: me too

partying all day sunday so sleeping in on Monday…then watching fireworks at the park behind my house :slight_smile:

where they have the best fireworks show? at Delaware Park? :gotme:

you said it bro. at least ill be able to surf at work all day.

working till 7, i’ll proly wind up somwhere tho

One of the only holidays I refuse to work… doin something awesome I hope… to make up for last year…

going on a trip with my sister and her friend to a nature area about 6-7 hours east of here… http://www.ausablechasm.com/

we’re gonna float around, take a lantern tour, roast marshmallows, hike… maybe see some fireworks… should be a fun time. we’re taking her 2005 wrx and I’ve claimed the back seat. weee…

8 hr shift at work
drinking myself stupid at napamans house in zee pool and hopefully seeing fireworks from there…

as of right now…going with a few people maybe to the park that is one block away from my house for fireworks and come carnival rides…should be fun…then definitely have a few drinks :slight_smile:

probably a party with some people…which includes $5000-$10000 worth of fireworks…oh this should be fun…hahaha :slight_smile:

prob passing out after.