7 Springs 2007-2008

I tried teaching a girlfriend before. It ended with her screaming that she couldn’t do it, and I made her return the rental board and get her skis from the car.

yeah mine pretty much started crying like 3 times saying she couldnt do it…then like 20 mins later she got stopping kinda down but the turning part was too good…but atleast she made it down a few times

I’m in on a board; I could care less if anyone is a skier or boarder. I skii’d for a long time and then had knee reconstruction and can’t ski anymore so I took up boarding a few years back.
I can’t do moguls on a board. Not that I can’t, but I won’t even try. I don’t do any rail stuff but will hit the half pipes. I mostly just carve the hills.
But I’m there most every night and always on weekends.
I’m up for getting a core group together as long as they are cool on etiquette; I’m already sick of both the skiers who hate boarders and the nut-job boarders who give every reason for the skiers to hate them.

We need to get something together. I’ll ride whatever…slope, park, woods. I don’t care if skiiers are there either.

let’s do it. sounds like you guys, munster and fah_quad, are right where I want to be. Had great times last year dropping trees on avalanche, goose bumps and tyrol and even hitting some stuff on the north face including pillow type stuff right along the one tree line at the bottom of n.face. Also progressed a bunch in the park / pipe.

Can we maybe get a ski/snowboard meet sticky thread and just post up when we plan on going? I will probably only get in like once or twice before christmas, but after that I hope to hit up one weeknight per week. Maybe just plan on like every tuesday or wednesday.

hey im down only takes me 45 mins to get there so whenever anyone whats to go hit me up a day or 2 b4 you want to go and i will go for sure i love 2 board… same as munster slops, park, woods where ever im down

ill go on weekends or weekdays after like 3 cuz thats when i get out of school

My son started boarding last year, I’m sure he would love to go with some of you guys if you wouldn’t mind a teenager hanging around trying to learn from you all.

And for a group thing, he and I would more than likely be in. I ski a little.

I have a flask!

Let’s get a sticky and get some sessions going.

He won’t learn much from me. Gravity is still my teacher. I just try to make it to the bottom without killing myself. Because there is beer there.

:rofl: Beer has numbing properties. You forget about the huge bruise on your thigh…at least till morning.

I cant believe I missed this thread! I live up there in the winter… so anyone that wants to join me, send me a PM. I have a pass and a locker so all I need is some people to join me in the goggle… did I say goggle? I ment slopes :slight_smile:

My OG snowboarding crew is falling apart slowly but surely, work, school, and girlfriends own everyone… so im always looking for someone to come drink with me… oh I mean ski… my bad :slight_smile:

well saturday ill more then likely be up there

i like your attitude!


They don’t make snowboard stuff in my size but I’ll run whiskey back and forth from the Goggle on a snowmobile??


:bigok: :beer: :beer:

Its funny because most of the bartenders know us and this one chick always used to say, I love how you guys pay $400 for a season pass to drink in the goggle!

Little does she know our trick… we have a plastic miller light pitcher in our season locker from earlier last season, bring a 30 pack into the locker, take turns walking down to the locker, filling up the pitcher and bringing it back up to the goggle. :slight_smile: Ill admit, it wasn’t my great idea, but it works damn good!

Season Pass - $400, Gas to 7 Springs - $20, Season locker right under the Goggle… Priceless!

Same way we always did it…:slight_smile:

see that… and us young buck always think were pioneering something new!