7 Springs 2007-2008

See you there. I’ll be the guy on my ass swearing because it usually takes me a good day to get back in the swing of things.

won’t be there on the 1st, but I’m itching to go. Waiting till the groups start going to get good rates.

Season pass means get in every moment I can… so it seems like I cheated them out of money, lol.

if anyone whats to go im always down for hittin up the springs i got a brand new burton and only rode it 6 times last year… The people i go up with is My Boys Denis from Hybrid and Parris thats buildin a bad ass rhd sohc turbo but if anyone wants to go im me a couple days ahead of time

Makes sense.

i was wondering if they had any snow up there. are all the slopes open?

we should set a date for everyone to come up to springs or hidden for the day and just fuck around

Just got back. Was good day. Not much open; maybe 4 trails and 2 lifts. Wagner was only non-beginner open.
But still, it was good to get out and get some time in before the crowds hit.
The beer tasted just as good at the Goggle.

There isn’t enough open to make it worth my while to go.

Resorts always open up the beginner terrain first since that is what most people use and it gets really boring going down the same bunny slopes all day.

I won’t get enough use to get a season pass to 7 springs but I might get the blue knob 6 lift tickets for 199 deal.

When some more slopes get open we will have to set up some pittspeed ski/board meets.

I didn’t know Blue Knob had a deal like that. I might have to check it out for mid season. I like to go to blue knob during the day since it usually gets icy at night.

I agree on the Pittspeed ski/board meet. Group rate FTW!

im down for the pittspeed ski/board meet

R they charging full price for that?

No, they were charging like $25, I think. I’m not sure since I’m using season pass, so for me, it’s worth it to go every possible time. Which means I’m taking off and going tomorrow, Thursday. Weather looks the best for this week and everything should be clear of people.
If anyone is heading out, let me know.

Probably going friday afternoon / evening.

Rates for today and tomorrow are $25. Only open from 9-5.

Night skiing starts friday, open till 10. Probably the same $25.

They opened stowe today and will probably have most of the front open by the weekend, plus north face slope if it doesn’t get too windy and the snow can stick.

Parks include a rail garden by the goggle (not sure how long it is going to stay). Santa’s Beard (small park by fawn lane / wagner) should be open friday.

Did anyone ever try getting a big group together from here to go?

I have tried to get groups of friends together in the past, but not related to pittspeed. I think you need at least 20 people, might be 25, and of course you would have to have everyone paid upfront.

Yeah. I think it’s 20. We’ve done it for different groups.

Maybe a Pittspeed Ski/Snowboard meet is a possibility?

might be. I would be down for whatever though. I need people to go with just so I can try to keep progressing. I made huge progress about 5 years ago, then lost my core group and just really tried to push myself in moguls. Started park stuff up again last year and started to progress some because of the one snowboarder I was going up with. Would like to find a small group of core guys (skiers or boarders) to work on some park stuff with.

Same here. The main guys I rode with all left the area or quit and the new group I have been riding with are all new to it. So I’m teaching them and not learning anything myself.

I’ll be going alot this year.

i went yesterday and tried to teach the girlfriend…ugh what a bad bad thing to do…but atleast i got to go and just board for awhile since it was nice as hell being there was a assload of powder and no one was there