Seven springs

Anyone interest in hitting up Seven Springs this weekend? Maybe Friday night?


I’ll be there friday night for sure, hit me up if you wanna meet at foggy goggle for a beer.

i’m in.

girlfriend wants to go sometime, hell i dont even know where it is… i never been on ski’s or a snowboard in my life
i would get owned

i would recommend going up during a weekday and getting lessons if you are serious about learning how to ski or snowboard.

Do we want to plan on heading up friday night? What time do you guys get out of work?

lessons? :rofl: i’d just slap em on and hope for the best…


get videos of this…lol

hmmm i might go

I was up there Thursday (the 25th) for night skiing. Snow was awesome…

u ski???

im def thinking im goig to have to go once this year, i didnt go at all last year :frowning:

yah… that willbe a real fun time for you!

Yeah, I run two boards down the mountain. Right now might be the best (quality of) snow I’ve seen up there in a long time.

thats what i was thinking… its should be awesome these next few days. i wish i could just take a day off and head up for a day session

I’d go if someone can hold my hand and snow me how to snowboard. Maybe I’ll go up on a weekday and get learned.

go up for night. I’m hitting tuesday night and was up there thursday of last week. Leave work at 4 and you can be on the slopes by 5:30.

thats definitely an idea… hmmm

I really wanna go…I’m off on Thursdays!!!

I don’t think i can make it too much stuff going on arround here. but i also had a bad experence on a snowboard arround my house. never skied or snowboard before and lets just say i did not know how to stop and i just kepted going and almost hit the road and a car haha.

lmk, I’m down for pretty much any time / any cheap time. Arby’s supposedly has $5 off coupons for any session.

If you go up tomorrow, lmk and I’ll keep an eye out. I’ll be in green pants, light grey sms jacket with a white helmet and old-school core-shotted 1080’s. Probably in the park laying in a broken heap…