Seven Springs.

Went there today good god it was great. To bad the next couple days are gonna be in the 40-50s. Where all the Snow people at?

i’ll be out carving just as soon as there is a 30"+ base

Youre going to be waiting a long fucking time then. See ya next ice age. When you going back up Nick? Im off tuesday-wednesday will drive for gas $$

I’m off Mondays and itchin’ to use my snowboard, lemme know.

Went yesterday ,going today, and almost everyday till xmas

I was working up there yesterday. I think they are only going to be open mon, wed, thurs from 9-6. The way the forcast looks, they will only be open 9-7 friday, sat, sunday, if they are even open.


i saw you there!
i was wondering if anyone was going to mention that it finally opened.

lol, its 7 springs man… not aspen. if you can get a base at all you better just go, because it wont be there long.

I’m off on Thursday ( usually ) I would be up for some skiing or evening boarding though I never did it. I think I could get the hang of it. Let me know if any of you that I know are going or want to make a trip. It sounds like fun!!!

I’ll be going when I get home in two weeks. What are all-day ticket prices?

right now they are saying 22-30" base…30" base really isn’t anything crazy.

probably gonna try to go up again this friday or saturday. Hopefully if there open.

I will be off work from dec 22 thru jan 1st and will be home in the pitts area during part of that.

Seven springs will mostly likely be part of the plans. maybe we can get a pittspeed snow sports meet during the Christmas holiday.

I would also be interested if anybody would want to go to new england or out west to utah during that time for a few days. last time I looked tickets to salt lake city were like 200 round trip out of pittsburgh.


i need to get up there for a night session asap

you should probably wait until they are actually open for night session.

yea. good idea

Im game for either as long as the flights are open :hsdance:

we need a foggy goggle meet…haha

Amen brother.

Please count me in for this one.