Seven springs

I think we are going friday during the day, supposed to be in the low 30s…hopefully not colder. Hubby has never been skiing or snowboarding before, don’t know if he should try to snowboard or ski…Which would be easier? He’s pretty athletic…I’m skiing for sure, never snowboarded and don’t want to spend the day on my ass :rofl:

I think skiing is easier to survive first day, but by the second day of snowboarding people are usually linking turns. It’s just a lot of hard hits to the ass and wrists that make snowboarding a little more difficult for someone new or someone’s first day. Does he have any surf or skate experience? Even though it’s not directly related, the balance helps.

Can he ice skate or rollerblade? Stick to skiing then.

conditions are great up there at the moment with all the new snowfall. as someone mentioned earlier, this is probably the best snow in a long ass time for them.

if any of you have the chance to go on wednesday nights, its buy one get one free with this coupon…

Who’s got a snowboard i can borrow?

where did you find the coupon?


i am going to the pens game tuesday… but thursday is a possibility and friday is a definite

It’s really not that hard to learn. I’ve only been on a board twice, and the first time it was a bitch. The first time down the mountain took me about 2 hours. After that, it took me 30 minutes, and then the 3rd time I was going down at a decent clip with just about everyone else.

Biggest thing is don’t get your leading edge into the snow. You do that and BOOM down you go face first. It does not feel good.

the coupon is on 7springs website under “deals”. the coupon that i posted in this thread is the same thing they are going to give you. all you have to do is print it out and take it the next time you go!

The last time we were there (10 years ago) you could rent the boards.

Eurodad did and proceeded to roll down the entire mountain. It was the fiunniest shit he has ever done.

as long as i keep my feet straight i dont think i’ll have a problem, all I have to worry about is the bottom of the hill… so once i get close i’ll just tuck and roll

I used to own three of them when i was big into it,then i just kinda got out of it,i can still tear it up though which scares me:ugh:

Thats how I learned…

:kekegay: Yeah right. You have no idea. It is not just “lets go straight and ill be fine”. That isn’t how it works man.

And trust me, tuck and roll is not fun. That snow fucking hurts falling on it after a while.

Thats y u don’t fall:dunno:

shh… let him think that is just that easy! I can’t wait to see what shelby does with someone hits him with a snowball from the lift!

That y i stuff rocks in my pockets for the lifts:rofl:

i’ll go tubing!:smiley:

:rofl: would a little snowball throw you off balance to fall?


I was just going to start a thread like this. I am a season pass / locker holder up 7 Springs… I am always up there. My friend has a cabin so we usually stay up there the whole weekend. I was up there all this past weekend. I think we are going up Thursday and possibly Fri/Sat. We should just make up a time to meet in the Foggy Goggle at a certain time. It has been packed up there, this past Saturday the Foggy did record sales, $32,000 on Sat night!

Snowboarding > Skiing

to TheSlo - I would love to see you there on your 1st time on a snowboard, the way you are talking, you better wear a helmet, you are going to be FUCKED!! lol