7 springs anyone??

ill go once im finally done with my damn therapy and can actually do shit :mad: i suck at skiing tho i like to stick to either the green or blue slopes…fuck those black diamonds id end up rebraking my ankle

Originally posted by dg11
ill go once im finally done with my damn therapy and can actually do shit :mad: i suck at skiing tho i like to stick to either the green or blue slopes…fuck those black diamonds id end up rebraking my ankle

or end up like sonny bono:eek: :smiley:

i might be up there on the 27 its my birthday… i am special

Originally posted by whitey
oh wait, just rememebered i can’t go on fridays… thats when i have to unload the beer truck

maybe the 5th?

can we make it a lil later on???

jan 5th my b-day yeah!!

friends have a party planned

and the parenst are taking me out to dinner


party !!!:smiley:

Originally posted by Pewterss
party !!!:smiley:

waht about the 10th

go ski/board then go party!

whitey, I’m down for going snowboarding. this will give me a chance to meet other members in person. Also a reason to get drunk on a monday, If youre going on the 5th.

Im down for some snowboarding… I have a season pass… im down whenever…

im always down to go snowboarding. im up at seven springs as much as i can. you can find me either at the halfpipe(if its in good enough shape to even be worth riding) or hitting one of their very few rails.

Originally posted by germ
im always down to go snowboarding. im up at seven springs as much as i can. you can find me either at the halfpipe(if its in good enough shape to even be worth riding) or hitting one of their very few rails.

back in the day when i was nuts at skiiing i would go through the quarter pipe on my ski’s

even the snowboarders dug it, it was so fun I would do anything now i am old and my knees aren’t the same

but how about the 5th for definite

im heading up tomorrow and will be riding the night session. then ill be riding all day on sunday. weather looks like it will be almost 50 tomorrow and nearly 60 on sunday:eek:

i just hope they have something in the park that is worth hitting.

whitey, youd be suprised. there are some bad ass skiers that ride the park. one guy last week was sick at riding the pipe. he was airing out about 6-8 feet( i know thats not huge but the pipe sucked) and was doing what i would call a Mctwist( not sure what its called on skis).

i need to hit the beginers slopes first rookie here

i will be throwing snowballs at quik…since i am like the abnomainal snowman

more like rolly polly you no neck having fool, looking like a snowman with a turtle neck on

my buddy used to do 360’s over the tabletop with only 1 foot in the bidings of his snowboard

does he want a cookie???

i know i do

stop being such a post whore. that could have been 1 post

i need a dozen cookies

well im down cinci 15 miles next ot kentucky and nothing around except hill billys shooting off their new rifles. adn her mom cnat cook either so i want a good cookie