7 Things everyone wants to know about Jack Bauer



HOWIE ROCKS AT POSTING PICS :bloated: :stuck_out_tongue:

linky no worky


Jack doesn’t pee. He uses every bit of food and liquid he takes in so efficiently, that there is not need to expunge waste product.

Jack does not to eat, like you and I. He feeds off fear.


cause he has nextel, duh

so is curtis really dead?

my guess is no


I’ve seen Jack eat ONCE in the last 6 seasons.

It was a memorable tv dinner for sure

Website says you are wrong.


9:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M.
Jack reluctantly accepts the President’s request to lead the search for Fayed and the nuclear scientist. When a woman calls emergency services about her family being taken hostage and she mentions Fayed’s name, Jack goes there and gets the address of Fayed’s safe house. Jack tries to convince Curtis to work with Assad even though Curtis has a history with the former terrorist. Curtis becomes angry when the President grants a pardon to Assad. Curtis is about to shoot Assad but Jack intervenes by killing Curtis in order to save Assad’s life. Jack becomes emotionally distraught and tells Buchanan that he is quitting the mission. Jack looks on in horror as the nuclear bomb explodes in the sky.


they will bring him back, Roger R. Cross(Curtis) still has time on his contract.


Brrrrraiiiinnnnnnnsssss, I wants your brrraaainnns Jack.

I personally love his ability to come fresh out of a chinese prison with complete knowlege of any new technologies that came out within the past year.