72-year-old Frank Corti walked down the hallway of his house to find his neighbor, Gregory McCalium standing there with a large knife. Corti said “It was no ordinary knife, it was more like a six-bladed knuckle duster.” The thing that McCalium hadn’t planned on, is that Corti used to be a junior boxing champion. When the attacker lunged at him with his knife, Corti delivered two right hooks to McCalium’s eye, then wrangled him to the ground while he yelled for his wife to call the cops. The attack was supposedly prompted by noise complaints that Corti had filed against his neighbor’s loud parties. McCalium was jailed for four and a half years on Wednesday, after a judge told him he had ‘got what he deserved’.

so much for the Star Trek Dagger he had. old man strength prevailed.

:rofl That’s awesome

Wow, he busted that guy open good. Hahaha

fucking WIN!

thats sickkkk

lmao that guys face got fucked up by the old man. I Give that guy props

lolz, he messed with the wrong old guy

good shit right there. he makes a good home defense weapon. lol