Never too old to beat some ass.

83 year old man beats up a 99 year old man over parking.


old school beef haha

hahaha damn


This is just sad.

This had to be the slowest fight EVER!

how the fuck are either of these guys driving?

“He said he was going to send somebody to cut off my balls,” Pulwers said.


bam, bam, bam…

“Hold the hell on, I’ll be right there” - old man

Old man opens door…

“Who the hell are you?” - old man

“I’m here for your balls” - guy in mask

I guess when you are that old even your black eyes sag a lot

Almost like watching Matrix?

lol at the comment “geezers-gone-wild”

He needs to start wearing this.

They started their shit in November? Looks like someone didn’t get the clue the first time…or he did and forgot it :smiley:

grumpier old men

