
so i wolke up this morning and my ip adress is banned??? i dont remember doing anything stupid on there haha :anal :anal

Haha Joel got banned so they probably banned your IP since he went on at your house. Owned!

fucking lame!!! god damnit! stupid joel :finga:


Damn, i have just recently set up my RS13.3 and RS13.4 acounts.

Oh and if you have telus internet i can show you how to get a different IP to be let back on.

no dice, i have shaw high speed!

man who cares about getting banned from there

oh wait, we love starting beef…

you think 780tuners is fun to start beef on…try the nexopia car forums LOL

its actually amusing what they talk about

oh im on there aswell haha those plp are all fucking idiots!!!

oh , kent is on nexopia for sure … on the car forums …

^And the forum where all the 14 year old girls talk about giving head.

B-Wurm :smiley:

REALLY. I guess have to check it out. :roll:

ha ha ha kent is on all the time. what do you do on there anyways?

deffinately not working hahaha i am usually on when i am at work lol

Go here.


Thats how I post on 780. but on the downside you get pop ups and banner adds at the top… I figure its a small price to pay to get around thier IP ban.

Kent, if you wanna change IP’s with shaw just unplug the power to your cable modem for about an hour, then plug it back in. It will renew with a different ip :drinkers:

excellent! i will give this a try!

That’s correct, Kent loves giving head! :butthead:

That’s correct, Kent loves giving head! :butthead:[/quote]

only you would know jackie boy lol

every post I make on that gay ass foprum gets deleted and then I get a message telling me im not a sponcor when im not even selling anything!!! So I PM them back and ask them why all nice and Ive never EVER got a reply back. I say we hack into there hosting and crash the fucking forum!!! FUCK 780 for life!!! Mods cant even do there job and anwser a question!!!