tpgsr u should change your sig it says the 16th

oops thanks!!

If I take my car I could probably pic you up if you dont have objections to rolling up in an F bod

hmmm maybe i’ll actually go this time
I don’t think I have anything going on that day.

batavia is that same day… anyone going from batavia to letchworth?

I’ll be rollin from Rochester, so if you wanna meet up that’s cool.

ill cruise out there with ya joe…then wecan get lost together after auto-x

Hmmmm same weekend as the DSM Shootout. Count me out.

fine we didn’t want you anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

In for sure :slight_smile:

Map Quest says 1hr28min total time. Anyone down for a Might Meet and Cruise. here are the Directions…

we were talking about meeting in Lockport. It is closer to the backside of the park where we need to enter. It is about 50min-1hr from twizted’s house

its about a 4-5min drive from NYI

sounds like a great time, ill be there :tup:

should get some bikes to go up together…

I live off Rt 5, in Pembroke, so if anyone is taking Rt 5 to batavia, ill join in on the fun…

i can hook u up wit a ride twizted…when do we pay for this? how much

:frowning: i won’t be here

What time is everyone getting there?!?!?

Skunk: You suck
Beck: around 4, see thread below… then make your cruise thread (or pm’s) whatever


im up for meeting at twizted’s house