86 bmw 325e e30

car is awesome, glws

Bump for new price for limited time only.

ughhhh so tempting

This car is so hot and I really want it but I officially have a used car lot.

sale is pendingright now.


Is this sold for sure or?

sold to me :slight_smile: thanks again john


still for sale?

You must be joking…post #28?

worst poster 2011.

car is sold guys, even though i get to see it every single day multiple times. lol COME GET YOUR CAR STEVE!!!


He hasnt taken delivery yet,
its no ones car.
someone put in the wrench time

What do u think of the car lance^?

car looks great wow wish i would have seen this

I believe Turbociv really just wants the car gone at this point. I’ve heard he’ll take $500 if you can pick it up this weekend.

Just take it and leave the money.

Nice looking car.