87 firebird built w/juice/slicks vs. nissan b14 turbo w/o spray/snowtires

last night i showed up at mighty for little bit to see what kind of cars were out already. i ended up racing a old school 87 firebird with a built motor and a 200shot of nitrous with mickey thompson slicks. i own a nissan b14 sr20det with snow tires and i ddint spray racing at 10 psi pushing around 300whp. needless to say he jumped the light, had his friend push the button, we were dead even until around 80-90 mph and then i hit 4th and started pulling cars on him like he was standing still. we had a money bet going for 500.00 and well lets just say he didnt pay up and had his father come and yell at us after he lost his life savings, dignity and well a 4yr grudge gone bad. i spun thru the end of third and spun a lil in 4th. gotta love nissans. him and his dad are one of those people that think just because he has a bigger motor his car is faster… i guess i proved him wrong… i love all cars and appreciate them too, as should he.

even though i ddint get my 500 dollars, i got a laugh in when his dad took off his shirt swearing at us and the look on his face when i flew by him like nothing, after he pulled that “jump the light” minouver.

new motor goin in soon, high boost, and nitrous with real tires this time… cant wait… its gonna be a great year. hope everyone is cool and excepted my apology and well can just enjoy the year with no problems(well besides cops,tickets, blown parts & tires) and we can all cruise…

good times so far i must say… i havent loss yet and i really am anxious to so i know whats out there, and can build it more, its like an addiction…
i think jesse and a couple others will get me pretty good…but im willin to give it a shot, im not a sore loser i just wanna have some fun…:headbang:

INB4800 : PICARD :

those were slicks eh?..looked more like 195’s to me. i guess beating on a 15 second bird is fun…kinda like the c4 corvette “z06”

nick pearl returns…

i nearly pissed my pants when i found out the “zo6” was a slow C4, lol

Oh and :tup: to driving like a complete fucking retard in mighty and right infront of it.

Must be his titanium driveshaft that makes him so fast :tdown:


Come race my NA Firebird…on Bald Khumos…

funny part is the driver of teh firebird came back and said he didnt spray because his bottle was empty

Its cool if you win races but stop making up all sorts of bullshit…

Claiming you raced a z06 which was a C4
Claiming you beat a bike…failed to say it was for 5 feet according to the bike owner…

how did you hook to pull on this guy like he was standing still when your buddy said you were spinning 5th the other night? and how did you pull a gsxr600 with snowtires and 300 hp?

Let me reference this video…

Same setup you have


The car he races weighs in around 3600+ and makes around 420whp NA.

he’s full of shit thats how. He had no problem blasting past mighty and didnt seem to have any traction issues past 1st gear.

HEY! JFYI: I DID see a maroon firebird with like 8" wide slicks. He had a 3 gauge A pillar setup as well…I blipped by him…of coase no one wants a peice of the grand prix…:blah: lol

^^^last part was sarcasm…in case anyone didnt know.

i said the tires spun in 5th, when it was 40 out, we just started the car up, tires were VERY cold. And yes the bike he pulled 07 gsxR600 that i witnessed on several accounts is actually a member. Im just not sure if he wants to chime in on this…

lol you never mentioned it being cold out, and snowtires are really going to get sticky once they are warm lol. he should roll up to bao tonight and do a few pulls with more witnesses

kudos for finally someone typing up a kill story :tup:

so a good kill story is when you just make up BS? :bloated:

BS or not it was descriptive

certainly entertaining, veracity aside

hey duche fuck race my 87 trans am :smiley: cause i mean with you pulling on bikes you have to be albe to beat me…right???