87 firebird built w/juice/slicks vs. nissan b14 turbo w/o spray/snowtires


oh and jesse ive heard so much about you from rick. are you upset because your family hates you? your father used to beat you and threaten you with a pistol at your own house, and wait your own father took you to jail countless times? you talk about all these fights you have gotten into right? well from what rick,nic,maura,dustin have told me your all mouth, no one has ever actually seen you in a real actual physical fight, just alot of intimidation and words spoken. you and nic wrestled one time in a parking lot but well thats about it. you were known as a bully in hs that once again no one liked, they were just afriad due to stories you boasted about. but in reality the only popular one from your family with something called a brain, who graduated highschool is your brothers doug and mike. so do me a favor and stop talking like your mr perfect. muscles and mouth dont equal brains. u ddint graduate highschool, you dont have even a ged i assume and you never even went to college. you work for a parts department making ok money, and your pulling your all time known trait of dating a younger girl. what are older girls too mature for your tough guy act and all your stories? maybe they see through you. maybe because the only girl you have dated that was close to your age was a woman named lucia. wait didnt you tatoo her name on your arm and cry every night over her, after you beat her, slashed her tires, and stole jewelry from her and well not to mention her sons playstation 2 which he still talks about to this day? nic actually still talks to her and she is doing quite well without abuse, theft and lies in her life. need i talk about nikki kosta? jamie who was 16? the plentiful 15-17 yr olds you hooked up with at the age of 24 with nics friends who were at the time also 17? joe, nic, brian, dustin and all of them from what i hear used to be all best friends with you and what happened? maybe they realized who you were and unlike everyone on here actually witnessed it instead of listening to rumors, and made theyre own assumptions. see real people do not put up with peoples bs unless they have too. these people sit there and call people gay but at the same time suck up to you and a few others on here due to size and cars. to me that is showing weakness. and well jesse you have waited your whole life to have a crowd. you always have to be the one to make a scene to stand out. its a sign of being insecure. so maybe you should stop putting people down that never did half the things you have. people that were your friends. if your trying to hide your real persona, go do it with a bunch of people who dont know you. i have no clue who you are but the pearl family is very informative about your past due to the fact you were best friends with nic until you stole from him too. i would stop while your ahead jesse. nic,dustin and everyone else has no problem with you. and really have no interest in having anything to do with you. so let it be grow up your what 30?



Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: clarence
Posts: 9

and jesse seriously i love how all these faggots love you so much… and hey i just talked to ur ex and her mother and just to give you a heads up i would stop the stealing man she knows u took it and if u dont give it back ur gonna be fucked. its so sad how all these people look up to a 26yr old fuck up. o ya jesse the love of ur life lol is sittin right here … lucia says hi…ahhaahah guess u never could keep a girl ur own age. oh and g who is 6 wants his ps2 u stole from him back and lucia wants her neclace that she got from her mother. o yea and i would like my grandmothers ring back and o shit i must have forgot ur aunt tina would like her shit back and ur grandmother im sure will want all the shit back uve stolen from her. o man hey jesse ronny and pauly are callin me right now. wait u fucked them over too wow jesse being the role model u are u need to stop robbing people. wait i figured it out thats how u make the moneyu to work on ur pos stang, u live at home with ur grandmother, u have a 15yr old girl that obviously only wants u cuz u have a car, and u rob people that mean anything to you so u can make some money… wow ROLE MODEL OF THE YEAR! ur a fuckin joke. thats why ur father hates you so much, ur a loser. u know wat fuck off bro and i will give you my address cuz i am not afraid of you u fuckin old worthless peice of shit… its 4000 hedstrom if u can find that come here and y dont u bring that petifile butch with you… he never got in my face and if i recall i called you all faggots and no one did anything including butch. why dont you being almost 60 find some old men ur own age and fuckin die. stop hanging out with these lil kids. and sherman u are a joke dont ever even say shit to me i saw u at the galleria like 1 month ago and called u a fuckin faggot pussy and u just smiled with ur fuckin gay self and kept walkin just like the time i pressed u at lancaster… aaron keep talkin shit and if u have something to say to me come with ur pathetic friends too u fuckin pig. workin out isnt gonna take any more fat off try another lipo session. and yes jesse i will see you soon if u even have the balls to come to my house. and u know u talk so much shit jesse but no one has ever seen u actually fight…hmmmm and when i hear about u fighting u never win. well i dunno i guess ur one of those big mouthed glass jaws. which means for all u retards u have a big mouth and muscles that dont do shit but fall straight to the ground. hopefully ill see you at my house cuz ill be here all night until i go back to my apartment tommorrow. see ya u fuckin wanna be wop! fuck u and if ur too much of a pussy to come to my house or if u cant afford the gas money call me and we can arrange something. why dont u leave me a message or will ur lil girlfriend get mad at you. ill be waiting and like i said the cells always on and waiting for one big meathead fuckup to call…this is done with.