87 firebird built w/juice/slicks vs. nissan b14 turbo w/o spray/snowtires


Well all who have raced him have lost! it doesnt matter what they lost by they fucking lost!


It doesnt matter if you lose by an inch or a mile right :gotme:

Sorry I lost at school


It doesnt matter if you loose by an inch or a mile right :gotme:


wrong. it doesn’t matter if you lose (not loose)…

watching that video im pretty sure dude in the plad shit himself…twice

so who is who in the video


watching that video im pretty sure dude in the plad shit himself…twice


Oh good, someone new making their first post in this thread

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:176,topic:28064"”]



:lol: i <3 that vid

lmfao :biglaugh:


so who is who in the video


this it looks like it’s going to be slopoke.

oh and the FYI is he’s still driving this car on said blown motor.


he has a fully built race motor at his house to just swap it out any night he wants.

what? i didnt even know jesse when this vid was made…??? and yes i still have the neon on a shit motor to get me back and forth to work, still gets over 30mpg but i also have the xtreme for a weekend car

this is alot to handle guys so read it all and let it sink in. last warning

ok since your so intelligent in legal matters. why dont you look back at all the things you have said about him. lets see racial slurs, ethnic slurs, sexual orientation bashing…need i say more. and actually im gonna throw this out there real quick for all you guys, i work with nic’s father. he runs my office in rochester as he runs the offices in texas, binghampton, dt buffalo, syracuse, appletree mall, north carolina etc the list goes on. why dont you go down to huron st. and ask for him. and yes nic’s uncle is a very high end lawyer. why dont you lil boys go look it up. steiner & blotnik. his uncle is richard steiner. hmm when the truth finally comes out after all of you have said rumor after rumor lie after lie, doesnt it suck when the tables are turned? and you realize maybe he was stating the truth? and maybe something called invasion of privacy may play along with this whole little mockery your playing on him. posting his faters information on the net? and stating you have hook ups thru the military? another little hint nic’s grandfather was harold pearl one of the leading military personel in the 60’s and nic’s father knows alot more people then at his own place of work due to the fact that there entire family is well off successful buisiness people. from lawyers to C.I agents (which his father really was) to military personel to bikers. you name it they know them so i would do yourself a favor and well go back and erase or apologize about everything u have said on here. until then i will make sure to inform nic’s father of his personal information that has been spread, his uncle about legal matters and well i think you all should get very high paying jobs or just suck it up and shut up about things/people you dont know about. until then gentlemen take care and well best of luck. by the way …no need to delete information, i have copied everything u have posted. wait your right its on the internet right, but your wrong were it counts, personal information, use ethics. nics a retard right according to all of you? well your all one step under him cuz he knows what he can and cannot do. have fun guys i would say i feel bad but well im a very honest person and that would be lieing.

oh and jesse ive heard so much about you from rick. are you upset because your family hates you? your father used to beat you and threaten you with a pistol at your own house, and wait your own father took you to jail countless times? you talk about all these fights you have gotten into right? well from what rick,nic,maura,dustin have told me your all mouth, no one has ever actually seen you in a real actual physical fight, just alot of intimidation and words spoken. you and nic wrestled one time in a parking lot but well thats about it. you were known as a bully in hs that once again no one liked, they were just afriad due to stories you boasted about. but in reality the only popular one from your family with something called a brain, who graduated highschool is your brothers doug and mike. so do me a favor and stop talking like your mr perfect. muscles and mouth dont equal brains. u ddint graduate highschool, you dont have even a ged i assume and you never even went to college. you work for a parts department making ok money, and your pulling your all time known trait of dating a younger girl. what are older girls too mature for your tough guy act and all your stories? maybe they see through you. maybe because the only girl you have dated that was close to your age was a woman named lucia. wait didnt you tatoo her name on your arm and cry every night over her, after you beat her, slashed her tires, and stole jewelry from her and well not to mention her sons playstation 2 which he still talks about to this day? nic actually still talks to her and she is doing quite well without abuse, theft and lies in her life. need i talk about nikki kosta? jamie who was 16? the plentiful 15-17 yr olds you hooked up with at the age of 24 with nics friends who were at the time also 17? joe, nic, brian, dustin and all of them from what i hear used to be all best friends with you and what happened? maybe they realized who you were and unlike everyone on here actually witnessed it instead of listening to rumors, and made theyre own assumptions. see real people do not put up with peoples bs unless they have too. these people sit there and call people gay but at the same time suck up to you and a few others on here due to size and cars. to me that is showing weakness. and well jesse you have waited your whole life to have a crowd. you always have to be the one to make a scene to stand out. its a sign of being insecure. so maybe you should stop putting people down that never did half the things you have. people that were your friends. if your trying to hide your real persona, go do it with a bunch of people who dont know you. i have no clue who you are but the pearl family is very informative about your past due to the fact you were best friends with nic until you stole from him too. i would stop while your ahead jesse. nic,dustin and everyone else has no problem with you. and really have no interest in having anything to do with you. so let it be grow up your what 30?

im warning everyone on here. this better be the end of this for now. close this thread. i have copied everything on here and sent it to a higher authority. its sad cuz nic wasnt even on here for what almost a year and you guys still talked about him like he was doing something wrong. and when i said your lucky to be alive in no way was i threatening you, and in no way is it stated in a threatening matter, shows your highschool literacy perfectly. “pathetic.”

The only person posting non-public information about Nick Pearl is you, Brian10sec.

Those pictures are posted on the internet, on a public website, thus they are accesible and public information.

I’ll pay $100 to see this get into a court room. Not just to try to settle, but full blown trial and shit. IT’LL NEVER FUCKING HAPPEN. Just like Nick racing turbo ls1 or anyone else with a legitimately fast car.

He should stick to picking on Tiburons and shit.





you should write for a soap opera.

Nick you sent information about illegal street racing to the cops?!?!?!


Nick hows that Cingular career you got going for your self???




you’re a dumb jew and fucked 10 guys.

sue me.


my brothers uncles sisters momma is in the mob. he has soooo mcuh power and connections you dont even know. IM WARNING YOU…haha

The only person posting non-public information about Nick Pearl is you, Brian10sec.

Those pictures are posted on the internet, on a public website, thus they are accesible and public information.

pictures? im talking about private govt information. pictures ruined by a hacker on here of him and his son. death threats. and all sorts of other documents. pictures are the least of your worries. do some homework and read old posts. study and then write back and laugh some more, because this is such a funny subject.

and one more thing gentlemen. if you watch that poor excuse for a video:\

  1. jesse makes a scene
  2. does nothing but talks alot, but yet in the thread wants to fight
  3. jumps race number 1
  4. jumps race number 2
  5. jumps race number 3

not once does he start off fair. sorry but that is said quite blunt by the video.
then he makes a mockery of the kid he so called beat because he is actually paying him? thats called respect for the race world. i wouldnt have payed you a dollar after watching that video if i was in that kids shoes. you clearly did not win.

im done posting on this forum, now its time for the legal side to this matter. hate to say i tried. but can say you guys choose your own destiny and well its not looking good.

take care.


brian, you posted the most personal and slanderous info on here.

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:197,topic:28064"”]

my brothers uncles sisters momma is in the mob. he has soooo mcuh power and connections you dont even know. IM WARNING YOU…haha


but but BUT but, that’s not a threat…

LOL. This thread just keeps giving and giving.