the truck will never be fast unless I touch it.
You “touch it” every chance you get.
I’m not sure why you’re laughing??? I actually like Sean, so he’s good to go… You on the other hand…
i really don’t care if you like me kid
You should care, because if I like you, the verbal abuse you’re going to take when I mop you up on low boost will be much less than if I don’t like you.
Funny you call me a kid… Have you even hit puberty yet?
And we were getting along so well Petard…
Nothing lasts long when it comes to Pete
I’m loving the pipe dream picture :rofl
It took a couple shots because the assholes in the garage with me had me :rofl
decent pipe dream… good work
Wayne, KK and Dragndoor are ANIMALS when they get in the garage… No bullshitting around… Being that a ton of stuff will never be used again, Wayne insisted it be unbolted, unscrewed over just chopping/plasmaing shit… Def. good dudes who care about there work.
good shit
I want wayne to put my 3.42’s back in my car sometime this winter.
Wait a min… lets clear this up right meaow
KK: plug that plasma in, and get the fuck outa the way. (as I cut the shit out of exhaust and huck it out the door.
Wayne: (blue dr. gloves on the whole time) Pardon me, please hand me that 6 point, 14 mmm, 34degree swivel head snap on wrench in drawer B5, section 12 so I may remove the transmission lines and allow you to have the oppertunity to reuse the usless parts have here in my hand.
KK: GTFO and get me the bolt cutters!
Hack-N-wack-Kustoms meets Yarter performance 2010, get your tickets now!
No reason to cut shit up just to be lazy. i know all Fords I got up here give you the wrong impression, but trust me, it’s not a junk yard!!!
:rofl :rofl
we actually work really well together.
Your stuff was way too organized for me, I couldn’t even handle it. I work best by myself and in complete disarray. :rofl
wayne has the most anal anus of all anal cavities lol true story
Lold very hard at the pipe dream pic and Travis’ comment that the fuel pump pic was his new background :rofl :rofl
Looks like it’s coming along nice but due to the hekka hush-hush vibe I’m getting here, is it safe to assume there won’t be many updates? :lol