9/1/05 Donate @ Thurs. in the Square!!!

Dear Friends of Buffalo Place:

Tonight (9/1/05) the “Spin Doctors” will bring the 19th
Season of Thursday
at the Square in for a landing! It has been a great
season and we have
enjoyed great weather.

On the other hand, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina,
our friends in
the south are in very hard times right now and they need
our help. Tonight

  • only - at Thursday at the Square - we are collecting
    TIPS at all of the
    bars and ticket booths.

All donations made this evening at the Square will be
given to the American
Red Cross. Please help those in need and let’s show
America why Buffalo is
the City of Good Neighbors!

Thank you in advance for all of your support.

Michael T. Schmand
Executive Director


The beer is cheap, the music is free… Everyone should come out, enjoy the great weather, and Tip like crazy, its the least we can do while we sit here and drink to great music and enjoy such things such as HOMES, ELECTRICITY, FOOD, and WATER.

even if it is just a few dollars…any amount is better than nothing. If you can’t come out tonight, i know kiss 98.5 is hosting a food/water/medical supplies drive tomorrow (friday) morning. If you can please drop off something to Eastern Hills Mall parking lot. they will be driving a few large trucks down on saturday to help the victums of Katrina. thanks!