9 car pile-up on the 290 West

What is it with people and forgetting how to drive in snow so easily?

9 car pile-up on the 290W right before the split.


No, pics. GF relayed the info to me as she was driving home from work. She says it’s a real mess and I can hear all the emergency vehicles driving by on the 990 where I am.

i’m ok.

you mean you were there and didn’t get any pics… how inconsiderate


I’m glad you’re all ok, really.

Actually, I posted this as a tacit suggestion to avoid that route/area for a while unless you want to be stuck in traffic.

There’s a multi-car pile up on the 198 near the 190 as well.

Just a few nice days and everyone goes back to retard mode.

you just lost anywhere from 1/2 to 50% of nyspeed.

edit: i knew the reason for the thread, i was just being an ass.


Just seen a broad in a blue Saturn hit a green Neon and go backwards into a guard rail where the 219 and 90 meet.

The roads were dry.


The roads were in good shape this morning, how are people this retarded?


many people put summer tires on allready + asshole drivers= accidents

i doubt all of america switches over to summer tires.

96% of people are on all seasons all the time

Since when do people need bad weather to drive like shit? I see people driving like complete morons in all weather conditions all the time.



You just wanted to use that damn smiley.:wink:

Hahahahaha you know it buddy