94 Mustang Gt

yea, shouldn’t be an issue. i got two steady jobs and insurance won’t be bad cuz it would be “dad’s” car :smiley:

Good man :up I make just as much/more than you detailing, depending on the job :smiley:

Yeah there ya go, DUMB decision to not continue to go to school after high school and then return when you’re in your mid-20s, by mid 20s you should have a degree and be getting a nice job doing what you went to school for, can you not agree with that?

You really want to discuss this and be a big tough guy we can do this in person. YES i just went back, b/c i went to school for autobody and got ASE certified, did that for 6 years, and the industry shit the bed, cant make a decent dollar doing it anymore. So i decided to make an ADULT decision, after working full time for 6 years and went back to school to get a job with the govt, good pay, job security, bene’s etc. THAT old?? You have 4 yrs to go kid. Not bad having had 3 cars fully paid off, quads, and a ton of good times, making 100K+ over the last few years. And yeah, i currently live with my parents, busted my shit up, had no job for awhile, soo hard to make ends meet. Anything else you wanna contribute, or you done?

How is it a dumb decision you ignorant fuck? College isnt for everyone at said time. You dont know shit about life. At the time i was bad in h/s and got a cert in what i enjoyed/was good at. Made ALOT of money in those years, NOT my fault the auto industry shit the bed and ins co’s dont wanna pay body shops what they should be getting anymore. I made a WISE decision by going back. Had i known what i do now, yeah i woulda went after HS, but alot of people arent ready/focused tehn

atleast numbnuts here was smart enough to go back to school!:open_mouth:

And mid 20?? Since when is that me… IM 22 DUMB FUCK

Ok well will see where you are in your mid 20’s. I have friends who went back to school in their 40’s to get a degree. Are they dumb? Most of them have houses and what not and then went and got a “nice” job doing what they wanted to. Every one makes different decisions based on what they feel is the right thing at that giving time

Alright, I would’ve actually rather have had this conversation in person so we didn’t have numb nuts and others hangin on your sack/contributing non-needed contributions while you and me are conversating. I understand you made an adult decision to go back to school, good for you and good luck with it. What I’m saying is, ya’ll are on my back about what I make not being enough in the real world etc., c’mon now at 18, that’s REAL good, right on par with your 100k in a few years with minimal expenses(granted that we have good winter seasons and I work 30+ hrs a week at my normal job) I had forgotten about you busting your knee up, makes sense, no job, no money, parents takin care of ya. So I guess you could say, yes, I had some more to contribute.:smiley: BUD!:happy::retardclap

I don’t hang on his sack I just add the facts you are missing so maybe one of your post’s will actually make sense and have factual information

And for the record I’ll kick adam in the balls on thursday when I see him

And then you shall re-attach yourself to them:D

what a rug rat


What I was saying was, your contributions aren’t needed in mine and Adam’s A & B conversation.:happy:

Alright, I understand college isn’t for everyone after high school, and I also think that’s not the smartest decision. People not focusing/slacking and not wanting to go to school is their own decision, again not the smartest which will bite them in the ass. Goes right along with my view of people who try to get a career in automotive & auto body…I mean if that’s what ya like and are interested in, by all means do it up, but that’s not necessarily where the money is at.

When you are old enough to give me life lessons then you can tell me where I can contribute but seeing as how just this year you could legally drive after 9 then stfu

Used to be where the money was at when i got into it, in 01’. And there are plenty of smart people that do autobody. I as a “autobody retard” know ALOT more than 9/10 of the idiots in school. Also have alot more common sense and street smarts. Yes there are some straight up fuckin botards in the auto profession, but catn group em all together…like sayin all darkies cant swim…theres a few that do:D

:rofl Oh nooo!

Fucking 18 year old dumb ass trying to give life lessons
