94 Mustang Gt

I pay for all my shit too…

I can has K20 for birfday??:retardclap YAY!

You haz k2o?

wtf? :rofl

If I didn’t I’d have a 10 second car with every single part I wanted on it…OR I’d have a loan out on a sick car and have dad pay for it all or even co-sign…but I can’t even do that…Don’t get on my shit because I make $20+ an hour and work 30+ hours at a time which has been 4x so far this winter, so you do the math there. Sullivan gets the same income as me, not as many hours, but I got him hooked up with some nice hourly wage. PLUS my 25-30 hour/week job at $10/hr, I’d say I make plenty of money to cover what I have.:retardclap

My parents never cosigned any loans for me

You need a co-signer when you take out a loan.:retardclap

Wow, you make $20 an hour, for hmm…5 days out of the year…COOL. And $250 a week…that will afford ya ALOT. When you get into the real world you will realize that aint shit. And no you wouldnt have a 10 sec car, b/c if your dad had an ounce of intelligence, he would not build you one, b/c you would be dead already…

Not when you have credit…

maybe someone else cosigned for him?

EDIT: or that ^

Last time I checked you don’t have good credit when you’re 18,19, or 20

That’s my point, I don’t have anyone else to co-sign for me.

Thats funny at the age of 20 I was approved for a 15,000 dollar personal loan from sefcu but yea you are right cant have credit at that age

Unless you’re Jeff Morgan, who has a 840 :rofl

my dad’s gonna co-sign for me. thumbup:

Thats good that your dad will cosign. Just dont fuck up payments and you will be fine

$20/hr for whenever it snows or ices out, which so far has been a few grand this year. Usually it’s $300 a week, and when I have nothing but gas and car insurance to pay for, it’s pretty good. I’m fucking 18 years old, not in my mid 20’s give me a goddamn break. Every other 18 year old I see is out there fucking making $7.25-$8.50 an hour at some shit job(Kramer need not apply). How are you doing Adam? Approaching mid 20’s, JUST returning to school and with mom and pops, NOT where I want to be when I’m that old. I’ll wise up and stop spending money on dumb car shit once I get a nice job and work on getting my own place and getting settled THEN worry about getting a nice car to drive around in. When you reply to this, I’m sure it won’t even touch what I just said.

i had good enough to buy my Mach1 without a co-signer, AND buy a brand new Z400, being approved on the spot 10 mins after walking in…

Oh but if my dad co-signed on a loan for me on some sick car you guys would be all over my nuts about it because DADDY DID IT!

This is the first time the kids went to college jack ass. He worked at a body shop since high school and decided it wasnt for him so when you learn the situation you can judge