94 z/28 the mustang killer

Whats up with that?

What year stang?

fine ignore those of us inquiring why your car wont be out

Idk, just might not be out…

But yours runs and shit. Im trying to find a way to have mine out.

when you want to race a real car im here waiting.

there ya go, tell em drew. Im sure slowmarro would be in too

Doesnt have all the parts to run yet. Need headers/exhaust, + a few other misc things

well if you didnt decide to change that all youd be ok. Dont you still have the stuff from last year?

As far as I know you didnt change anything else over the winter so why not use those parts until you can afford new ones?

paul, you ask alot of questions and are very concerened LOL

well I just wanted to see what was up


How do you know what ive done over the winter? Lol, i havent spoken to anyone about anything ive actually done. I sold my exhaust setup awhile back…

I really dont know. Thats why I said as far as I know. :wink:

dood you have termi fever get over it, doesnt mean your dicks bigger.

fight, fight, fight, fight

haha define termi fever?

whats up dude its a 92 lx w/ 88 engine. not sure about the cam , the idles pretty lumpy. i drove it shes a blast. the car came w/ 125 shot/kit , hopefully gets hooked back up. The car actually resurfaced HERE but ive known all 4 owners and a real good friend of mine owns it now.

hmm you whine alot, definately bought not built… must i say more?

yes please do. Id love to know where you get this idea about how I am some cocky arrogant person. Ask anyone who has ever met me. I’m actually quite modest about my cars.

And yes my car is pretty much stock so it was bought. Unless i had a fullsize 03 cobra kit car there is no way it can be “built”