[FONT=Verdana]Details: This car is super clean and very hard to find another one like it. Frame rails are all original…I currently don’t have any pictures of them, but I can tell you it looks just like the outside. The only thing this car is missing is the radio trim besides that it’s a perfect daily driving car or a perfect car to swap a sr20, rims, suspension, exhaust and ready to rock. Make this baby your car and the possibilities are endless with a car this clean.[/FONT]
I have not dealt with this guy but I must say over the last decade that I have been on this forum this is probably the cleanest unmolested s14 posted in the last 3-4 years at an un-inflated son price.
This would be a great buy for any young kid looking to get into the s chassis.
Cheers to the seller nice to see there are still resonable people on the board.
^This is a nice car. However, if I was selling it, everyone would call me some kind of asshole because I want too much(id ask the same money). GLWS rene, this looks like a great car.
^lmao dylan and thanks buddy…i wanted to post it for 6g, but i just rather be real with the price…as i know what ill get for it anyways. i know the car is worth its money.
ok so i hear everyone saying how he is such a honest guy and everything. but i didnt see anything in the ad about him fixing the floors!! i know this car very well and i know how much Rene bought it for! $500!!! buyer beware!! just take a look under the body on both sides! all of it is roofing tar on the floor… the rails are mint but the floors are garbage… Rene knew that the floors were full of holes thats why he bought it for $500. i will post pics of when i was working on this car to prove its not bull. i just dont want to see anyone get fucked over thats all it just not fair! unless ofcouse Rene fixed the floors and its all patched up then yes its a great buy.
Yikes! I understand your concern but by saying he bought it for $500 on SON is also unfair if you have an issue you should have just pm’d him first to clear the air. Not Nice!
and for the record holes wouldnt stop me from buying this car, as u said the rails are solid, patching holes is not that big of a set back, well to some people I guess…
The price i paid for the car is irrelevant to this topic and second of all the floor was fixed…you honestly think i would try and sell someone a car for this price with holes in the floor? thats not how i do business. i’m not some shoemaker…or should i say some of the other dildos you deal with on this site.
How would the floors being repaired and his original bought price fuck anyone over?
The car is in the hands of one of the best fabricators situated in Toronto. That alone justifies any “fix” you’re referring to.
Don’t be mad he knows what he’s doing and how to, 1 Make profit and support his growing business/shop and 2, help another member out by supplying him with an incredibly clean/solid chassis. It’s also not like he’s selling the car for 7K.
why are people getting defensive when someone point to the fact that the car was bought for 500 and has fixed floors when its true?
that’s like being angry at some bitch for sucking 500 dicks before having anything to do with her. If you have a problem with it then don’t get into a relationship with her, but be glad you didn’t find out AFTER kissing her everyday and wondering why she tastes funny.
T66 simply posted some legitimate info (which was not mentioned). If you’re considering buying the car, take it for what it is, and deal with it.
The fact of the matter is, is that on forums peoples rep is on the line, Acidz makes a living off forums like these, im pretty sure with someone with half a brain would think it would be fixed. T66 should have PM’D instead of assuming the seller was hiding the true condition of the car. Personally I wouldn’t call someone out unless i knew the information was 100% true instead of assuming.
He’s selling the car for $4850 stock, don’t you think a Fabricator that deals with a lot of customers on this forum figure out that he should probably patch up some holes on the floor to sell it for that asking price? So the entire post that T66 posted is irrelevent and just plain stupid, now leave this thread for the sale…