Im so happy your saying all of this, Sexys2000 and sbardy among others are friends with the kid, maybe we can get him on the forum to confirm he DID indeed pay for internal work that you said you did but DIDNT.

Poor? The kid owns 2-3 car audio shops last thing I’ve heard and owns a h2 hummer with like fucking 26’s on it, I dont think hes cheap.

anyways no trades, this is turbo car #6 this year, people love simple fast cars. This car will come with a 30day Warranty if nothing is touched!!!

when is 12’s fast?

Ive always thought of a 12 second car as being fast. Faster than anything Ive ever owned anyway.

dont you run 12’s?

jellies , your car has it in it for a 11 sec pass . dont go with a this car dude . ill kill u


oh yea i saw on the list 11.9…huge jump from 12’s

car si faster , he had a smoked clutch

This. Maybe peppy but not fast.

Its a 13.7 car, consistent as hell, should bracket race it if I knew it wouldnt blow up every time it went down the track.

that 11.9 was on a blown clutch lol.

went 11.9 @ 122 and 12.0 @ 127. You figure that out…

I have never thought 12’s were fast. Quick, yes. Fast no. A fast car in my eyes is a 10 second + street car.

was jellies . new motor and so on . let me drive it ar adam

Thats what it runs with the new motor too.

Nobody is driving it this year unless theyre buying it.

And someone that drives a 14sec car will think 12sec car is fast. You have an 11sec mph, but a 12sec car.


Do you have any street cars in the 10’s?

yea a few, look at the top of the import list.

That car is plated on the street?

sure is , you should know, you were out watching runs last year when the white hatch was out.