Anyone interested in my firebird?
Its got 86xxx original miles, loaded besides leather
The only thing is its a 6cyl. auto with an r-title…itd make a real good project cuz the body is amazing, and im only looking to get like 3000 obo for it…or would trade for a decent suv/import…just pm me if your interested…i have the pics here somewhere n ill try to get them up asap…thanks
What caused the R-Title?
to tell you the truth i dont know…the guy i bought it off of restores wrecks all the time so i didnt see it but im assuming it was a front end collision cuz the quarters on thos cars are fiberglass and that wouldnt be worth fixing if it was hit in the rear
rear 1/4 are metal
i never new that…i thought the cars were all fiberglass like the vettes…well except for the doors…thanks for the tip !
The doors are fiberglass. How much are you asking anyways?
front fenders are plastic(or what ever the real word is)
doors are fiberglass
rears and rollbar thingy are metal… he’s asking 3000 it says in the bottom of his first post. pics help also what color also.
it is red by the way…it is a pretty clean car that i can say was never beat on as long as he had it…def worth what he is askin for it if u want a good daily or a v8 project
talk to pewter about the v8 stuff for these i believe he is very knowledgeable on the firebirds and camaros
sorry bout the late msg but yea its red…askin 3 but willing to entertain offers…will have pics up t/m if the uploader works for me lol…not desparate to ell but would like to see someone take it out of my friveway and put it in a good home

heres the firebird pics i promised…sorry it took so long…anyways id really like to sell before christmas but please dont try to cut my legs off with the price
well i turned down an offer a few weeks ago on craigslist and now i regret it… ive lowered my price to 2600 obo…still not gonna have my nutz cut off tho so please dont try
3.4 or 3.8 engine?
sorry it took me so long to get back…get get so busy sometimes i forget to check my post but it has the 3.8…really would like to sell so please send me an offer…anybody?
so how long are your legs… because if youve got like stilts i can offer a price that may cut you down to normal size… just want to know how much youll take bottom of the barrel
hey man this is my brother and i talked to him cuz hes at work so ill reply for him…he said make an offer…the car has low mile on it for the year…so i mean it averages like 7250 miles a year so…make him an offer of what you wanna pay for it
to answer the question the lowest id go would be 2300 bucks…its an awesome car with low miles, the only thing is the r-title…i mean c’mon im not a charity u know lol
seriously no takers out there???
are the only trades youll take are imports?
well watd u have in mind?
ive been tossing around getting rid of my 3rd gen.