ok Here is my question. I have a 96 civic with a gsr and in the engine bay there’s an evap canistor near battery on firewall. It has 2 small wires up top and a huge on on the bottom. Wondering if the big one goes to something we keep smelling like oil or fuel in the air vents but im not burning nothing no oil is missing. Any help is thanked
probably does. do you want me to go outside and look?
edit: lol brb
edit x2: if its what im thinking of, theyre vac lines, not wires
my bad the canistor has vaccuum lines uptop and the big one that was open actually comes out of the firewall. I dont know where the smell is coming thru or what the huge like inch hose coming out of the firewall is either never seen it before. Im not burning any oil its like im smelling a vacuum leak
The big hose coming from the firewall is from your a/c system. The big one from the bottom of the canister should be routed down your front crossmember.