997 Detail

The 997 got a nice detail yesterday. Here are a few before and after shots. I’m not going to mention who did the work in the thread for obvious reasons, but feel free to PM me for specifics. Now that she’s nice and clean, I think she may be getting ready for an Alpha package this winter. :snky:

This is from last Fall before the new light weight wheels.


And now for the before/after shots.








Exhaust tips nice and shiny.


Back home in the garage which is a work in progress now as well.


Thanks for looking.

Now bring it to the track :slight_smile:

I’m going to be that guy that comments about your floor instead of the Porsche (which looks great BTW). Is the yellow stripe there so that your wife/gf knows to stay out of the box? lol


I’ll be there “next week” with everyone else. :wink:

Thanks. Part of the German flag color theme along with my VW and Audi (Krant’s wet dream).

Looking good man :tup:

Hopefully my next addition to the collection…looks great

ugh, alpha kit…WANT.

Sam, the car looks amazing.

Looking good. I’m guessing Jeller was all booked up this week? I hope he doesn’t get mad you went somewhere else. LOL


Car looks great, by next summer I am going to start looking for a 997.1 and hopefully sending it right to alpha.

sweet jesus i just went from 6 to midnight.

A detail like that really brings out the color. Nice change on the wheels. Much better.




By “alpha” are we referring to the AMS upgrades they have for these?

Is yours a Turbo?

I’m pretty sure he is. They just came out with a 997 TT kit. It’s not too shabby.


Man that’s a good looking car