A bit overboard I would say...

“'The vehicle is not even capable of doing the speed of a mobility scooter and could be outrun by a pedestrian.”



Hotwheels u ever get a dwi in your chair? Is it legal to drink and drive that thing?

I can’t tell if you’re serious…

Acctualy that is somewhat of a legit questions… Operating any sort of motorized vehicle under the influence is considered illegal…

Does the wheelchair qualify?


If that were true, para and quadriplegics would be unable to legally drink.

I’m sure you could get hassled if you were rolling your wheelchair down the road in traffic, which was the real issue here. If he’d have kept it in his driveway there wouldn’t have been a problem.

I would get a drunk and disorderly, or public intox ticket like any “physical” capable human being.

i was being serious. a motorized wheelchair is way more dangerous than a hotwheels, and a lot faster. i mean ive heard of dwi on lawnmowers, bikes, and now a hotwheels car no pun intended. i wasnt sure if there is anything that says you cant legally drive a motorized wheel chair while intoxicated.