

Lots of dead people.

might as well just ride a bicycle

I seem to miss the point of this, when a bicycle seems much more practical.

Would it be considered DWI if you were on this whilst drunk?

yes, riding a bike drunk is illegal as well.


This is a Faggotmobile.

agreed, its just dumb

this fucking sucks.


So If you have 4 Jews driving that car… could you call it Jew powered? Lets hope people have watched the video before they start making assumptions about a Jew powered car

edit_2: I would also like to know what a respectable speed with average people.

How is that street legal? With a bike you can easily pass it when they aren’t keeping up with traffic, but that stupid thing takes up almost a whole lane. If I was stuck behind one of those every day on my way to work it wouldn’t take much more than a week before I just ran the people over and let my insurance company deal with the aftermath.

street legal and street retarded, something like this should be in the special olympics

Hopefully, this is meant as more of a thought exercise because as an actual “car alternative” it fails miserably.

top speed?

well, hopefully they have it ready for you this year.

I don’t get it

nor do i get this stupid car. bicycle bettah

omg thats halarious


it can be but not for the purposes of dwi. you can get a public intoxication charge, but that really doesn’t really have anything to do with the bike so it is irrelevant. you can’t get a dwi if it doesn’t have a motor.

yep… this will surely work in a society that will wait 20 min in a drive through line to get their extra value meal, when they could park and walk inside, and get in under 5 min…

also…what happens when you encounter a hill… or better yet… what happens when you have no friends lol