holy shit [crazy bike driver on the highway]


someone (law enforcement) needs to track this guy down and throw this dumb ass in the slammer for good. I hate morons like this on the truway. I usually block bikes like this if I see them coming up fast behind me on the thruway.

I’ve actually had bikes go in between me and other cars. I also know personally know people who do this. It’s crazy.

very descriptive thread title :tup:

Sorry, thats all I was thinking for a few mins when I posted this.

i couldn’t even watch the whole thing. what a douche bag. does he crash in the end?

Fucking squid

I was late to work, get the fuck outta my way next time cager.

this guys a jedi

lol nice avatar

i hate when people pass me on the shoulder while cars are in a traffic jam (ahem, S&R)
would it be illegal for me to pull out and hit them?

reminds me of ghost rider, dont mint the wigger from va rapping on the beat

He is a talented rider, better than most.
He is just doing it wrong.

not crazy, just plain stupid.

ive always wanted to just open my door and take them out. just may do it someday with a beater

wow death wish :tup:

Thats nuts.

Wow, what an asshole. Although that would be a lot of fun, to tell you the truth.

sometimes i have the urge to go out and do this but i am 100% aware of the consequences+im not that retarded lol

only way to ride

good rider but might not be now or or next week, he will most likely crash eventually if he rides like that all the time