holy shit [crazy bike driver on the highway]

On my way home there’s usually 2 douchebag bikers that pass me.
Dunno if they know each other or not, usually see them riding alone… but they join up whenever the see each other.
One has some ghetto camo backpack that looks like a purse.
Going like 65-70+ down walden, weaving in and out of traffic and squeezing in between cars.
Anyone see them? 345-350ish usually.
From teh 90->Central ave.

Possibly someone on here?

maybe u should post the color of the bikes lol

so rad

:clap: if hes still alive

i hope someone switches lanes on him… have fun saving yourself from being plastered all over the freeway then

Bout as good as the ghost rider

Fuckin NUTS!

Someone always has to post this. Would it get you through the jam faster? Would it make you feel good? Are you jealous that this guy can skip the traffic jam by riding the shoulder?

No, No, and him illegally riding the shoulder is the same thing on a bike as it would be in a car.

thats crazy

Good luck catching him… this video is exactly why people on bikes are so hard to catch. (til they crash)


You sound almost like you’re defending these idiots…they deserve to have somebody force them into a mistake that leads to a crash. Otherwise they’ll never learn.

Not saying i wish death to them…just really, REALLY bad injury…and lots of hefty fines.

It’s because of idiots like this i can foresee politicians eventually trying to make motorcycles illegal.

Let them take their own life. Don’t participate by thinking you are doing the world a good deed from blocking this guy… and you need is to jump out in front of someone late, and its your fault they are dead.

I’ve zipped past traffic on the shoulder before. It was dead stopped traffic, and I was wearing all of my gear in the 80* sun. I don’t FLY down the shoulder, but I certainly make a judgment call on skipping that shit if it’s really bad. I’ll go less than 30 and try to keep a good distance between me and cars that are stopped.

This guy is obviously ridiculous,though. And it’s unfortunate that so many bikers do this when they REALLY don’t have the skill to get themselves out of trouble if something happens.

Yeah, it sucks when it’s hot as fuck out, and your bike is at 230 degrees and the fans are just throwing the engine heat on you.
I had some jackass in a minivan try to take me out when I was driving slowly down the shoulder.
Needless to say, he has a fist print in the side of his door. :mamoru:

I’m not saying I’m right by doing it, but neither was he

You hurt his van when he was trying to hurt YOU. Sounds justified to me. Fuck him.

Im pretty sure anyone who is a decent rider out there has split a few cars in their day, but yes this guy is asking for the one old lady or scared 16 year old girl to see him coming and try and swerve out of his was and BAM!

and o yes totally justified sir! i dont see why people feel the need to fuck with people on bikes

I agree, I have cut traffic before, fuck that nonsense. In fact I did it today while getting stuck in traffic on the 290.

This kinda stuff is ridiculous though.

And as for politicians trying to make motorcycles ILLEGAL because of this kinda stuff…hahahahahahahaha…good luck!

this is why i ride a ninja 250…


Stupid? HELL YES!

Let the cops arrest them and the judge take away their license. You might not kill the person but would paralyzing him make things better?